Please read the below before posting an issue. Thank you!
If, you think you've found a bug, or would like to discuss a change or improvement, feel free to raise an issue.
This is a fairly simple converter, but it has been made much better by contributions from those using it. If you'd like to suggest an improvement, please raise an issue to discuss it before making your pull request.
Pull requests for bugs are more than welcome - please explain the bug you're trying to fix in the message.
You need to run composer before using FriendsOfPHP/PHP-CS-Fixer.
It can modernize your code (like converting the pow function to the ** operator on PHP 5.6) and (micro) optimize it.
./vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix --dry-run --format=checkstyle
./vendor/bin/phpstan analyse ./ --error-format=checkstyle
Detect overcomplicated expressions & Unused parameters, methods, properties
./vendor/bin/phpmd ./ text ./phpmd.xml --suffixes php,inc,test --exclude vendor,bin,tests
Copy/Paste Detector
./vendor/bin/phpcpd ./ --names=*.php,*.inc,*.test --names-exclude=*.md --ansi --exclude=vendor --exclude=bin --exclude=tests
./vendor/bin/phpcf --target 7.3 --file-extensions php,inc,test ./
Maintaining code quality by adding the custom post-commit hook to yours.
cat ./bin/post-commit >> ./.git/hooks/post-commit