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You think blockchain is cool? Check √

You're a techie publisher who wants to stamp and protect their work? Check √

You think is the most awesome platform to do this on? Check √

You ignore the haters, and pursue your love for sweet fresh PHP 7? Check √

Well alright then, sounds like you're in the right place!


You already passed the check test, so all you need are the official docs.


composer require pete001/frost-php-sdk


Dont check in dat private key yo, use the dot env!

Sign up and fetch your API key from here.

Add it to the .env in the project root.


Because i like xmas, i made a simple factory to save time:

$api = (new FrostFactory)->api();

So far there are 3 juicy methods:

Create Work

$work = $api->createWork([
    'name' => 'I am a pickle',
    'datePublished' => '2018-02-15T20:12:01+00:00',
    'dateCreated' => '2018-02-14T19:50:21+00:00',
    'author' => 'Pickle Rick',
    'tags' => 'pickle rick morty unimpressed',
    'content' => 'Rick tells Morty to come to the garage, and Morty discovers that Rick has turned himself into a pickle but is unimpressed.'


    [workId] => 46b6144b7fc6825caa3cf4b83149226f8d3f7bc0b20e6780c5d80423d1a5b86a

Get Work

$work = $api->getWorkById('46b6144b7fc6825caa3cf4b83149226f8d3f7bc0b20e6780c5d80423d1a5b86a');


    [name] => I am a pickle
    [datePublished] => 2018-02-15T20:12:01+00:00
    [dateCreated] => 2018-02-14T19:50:21+00:00
    [author] => Pickle Rick
    [tags] => pickle rick morty unimpressed
    [content] => Rick tells Morty to come to the garage, and Morty discovers that Rick has turned himself into a pickle but is unimpressed.

Get All Works

$work = $api->getWorks();


    [0] => Array
            [name] => I am a pickle
            [datePublished] => 2018-02-15T20:12:01+00:00
            [dateCreated] => 2018-02-14T19:50:21+00:00
            [author] => Pickle Rick
            [tags] => pickle rick morty unimpressed
            [content] => Rick tells Morty to come to the garage, and Morty discovers that Rick has turned himself into a pickle but is unimpressed.

    [1] => Array
            [name] => I am still a pickle
            [datePublished] => 2018-02-15T21:12:01+00:00
            [dateCreated] => 2018-02-14T20:50:21+00:00
            [author] => Pickle Rick
            [tags] => pickle rick morty unimpressed repetitive
            [content] => Rick tells Morty once again, to come to the garage, and Morty discovers that Rick is still a pickle. He remains unimpressed.



Project has 100% test coverage, but due to my hipster nature, the CI is run over at Gitlab. So you'll just have to take my word for it.

To run the test suites, simply execute:


If you wanna get fancy and check code coverage:

vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-html tests/coverage

If you're as OCD as i am, you might wanna run some static analysis:

vendor/bin/phpmetrics --report-html="tests/static" .


All contributions are welcome! Just fire up a PR and pinky swear the code passes the tests, has new tests written to maintain 100% coverage and make sure its PSR-2 compliant:

vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix --verbose


As tempting as it is to troll the world by centralising the distribution of an app for the decentralised world... This is free, free for all!

MIT License