schingle (pronounced shingle) is a tiny web framework for guile inspired by ningle (hence "SCHeme nINGLE") and sinatra. It is licensed under the LGPLv3.
(GET /hello/:name
(lambda (request body :name)
(plain (format #f "Hello, ~a!" :name))))
install guile-json
clone this repository into somewhere on guile's
(use-modules (schingle schingle)
(schingle middleware))
; paths in schingle may be strings or symbols:
(GET "/hello"
(lambda (request body)
(plain "Hello World")))
(GET /hello/:name
(lambda (request body :name)
(plain (format #f "Hello, ~a!" :name))))
(GET /error
(lambda (request body)
(car '()) ; cause an error to invoke 500 handler
(plain "this shouldn't happen")))
; html form support
(GET /form
(lambda (request body)
(plain (format #f "Hello, ~a ~a!"
(query "firstname")
(query "lastname")))))
(POST /form
(lambda (request body)
(plain (format #f "Hello, ~a ~a!"
(assoc-ref body "firstname")
(assoc-ref body "lastname")))))
; simple return types
(GET /json/:value
(lambda (request body :value)
(json `((value . ,:value)))))
(GET /xml/:value
(lambda (request body :value)
(xml `(value ,:value))))
(GET /html/:value
(lambda (request body :value)
(html `((html (p ,:value))))))
(GET /sexp/:value
(lambda (request body :value)
(sexp `((value . ,:value)))))
(GET /urlencoded/:value
(lambda (request body :value)
(urlencoded `((value . ,:value)))))
; static files
(GET "/schingle/(.*.scm)"
(lambda (request body filename)
(static filename 'text/plain)))
; templates
(GET /template/:name
(lambda (request body :name)
(template "template.mustache" `((name . ,:name)
(listitems ((text . "hello"))
((text . "world")))))))
(schingle-static-folder "../")
(define (custom404 request body)
"a custom 404 handler. custom 500 and 400 handlers can also be defined"
(plain "oopsiedoo" #:code 404))
(run-schingle #:middleware (list (make-cors-middleware))
#:port 8080 ; optional setting of port
#:use-cache #t ; optional cache for static files and templates
#:h404 custom404)