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VB versions of projects are even-numbered. ##.NET 1.1:## #01 WindowsFormsApplication# Introduces the sample application, asynchronous methods (Begin/End), APM Explicit delegates (new DelegateType(...) Control.InvokeRequired explanation, detail StreamHelper #02 WindowsApplication# Introduces the sample application, asynchronous methods (Begin/End), APM

##.NET 2.0:## #03 WindowsFormsApplication# Introduction of partial types, anoymous methods (anoymous delegates) #04 WindowsApplication# only partial types, VB doesn't get anonymous methods yet #05 WindowsFormsApplication# Generics in GetScriptBodies, GetScriptBodies becomes iterator method #05b WindowsFormsApplication# introduce progress and cancellation, using WebClient instead of WebRequest, introduction of EAP and how Webclient implements EAP #05c WindowsFormsApplication# Progress and cancellation with BackgroundWorker as example (not optimal use of BG, but correlates to previous examples), "fake" progress, lazy code monkey #06 WindowsApplication# VB version of 05, sans iterator methods: VB doesn't get this in .NET 2.0 #06b WindowsApplication# VB version of 05b #06c WindowsApplication# VB version of 05c

##.NET 3.0:## #07 WindowsFormsApplication# var, problems with foreach(Match..., lambdas, use of expression lambda in BeginGetResponse and statement lambda elsewhere. encapsulation of asynchronous "callbacks" within the method that makes the async call. Extension methods and StreamExtensions #08 WindowsApplication# VB version of 07 #09 WindowsFormsApplication# LINQ in GetScriptBodies #10 WindowsApplication# VB version of 09

##.NET 4.0## #11 WindowsFormsApplication# Task and Task Parallel Library (TPL), TaskScheduler and FromCurrentSynchronizationContext, no need for InvokeRequired/BeginInvoke, more abstract code and can be used in WPF, etc. EnableButton gone #11b WindowsFormsApplication# Cancellation and progress with TPL, "fake" progress, nothing particular to TPL for progress, detail cancellation token source and token and how only token is shared--by value--across threads #12 WindowsApplication# VB version of 11 #12b WindowsApplication# VB version of 11 b

##.NET 4.5## #13 WindowsFormsApplication# async/await, detail lines after await are "continuations": compare to ContinueWith code, detail how much less code there is from 01, no need for stream extension, use of "using"... detail automatic marshalling to UI thread #13b WindowsFormsApplication# progress with async/await. CancellationTokenSource etc and now IProgress and Progress implementation. #14 WindowsApplication# VB version of 13 #14b WindowsApplication# VB version of 13b