In the last couple of months the Rails landscape changed, and so did my opinionated Rails setup. I will keep this one as maintained as possible, but currently running on edge Rails with just minor changes. Those specifics will be open sourced in the future as well.
Opinionated Rails setup using Rails 7, PostgreSQL, TailwindCSS, Stimulus, Hotwire and RSpec.
We are bundling JavaScript and CSS through a Node-based setup with jsbundling-rails
and cssbundling-rails
If you want to run propshaft
as the asset pipeline you can use this branch: The main branch will be using Sprockets for the time being.
You need the following installed:
- Ruby >= 3 (
asdf install
) - Node 19 (
asdf install
) - Bundler (
gem install bundler
) - Yarn (
brew install yarn
) - Overmind (
brew install tmux overmind
) - Postgresql (
brew install postgresql
start with:brew services start postgresql
) - Redis (
brew install redis
start with:brew services start redis
If you are using asdf (I recommend that you do :) ) you can install the required Ruby and NodeJS versions with asdf install
The Homebrew dependencies can be installed with running:
brew bundle install --no-upgrade
Additional Homebrew dependencies can be added to the Brewfile
Optional: Docker to use with the preconfigured dip.yml
to setup a dockerized dev environment using dip
Run the setup script that will run the needed setup steps for the application, installing all gems and packages, database preparing etc.
$ bin/setup
You need docker
and docker-compose
installed (for MacOS just use official app).
This app uses the dip CLI, a utility CLI tool for straightforward provisioning and interactions with applications configured by docker-compose.
$ gem install dip
$ dip provision
Take a look at the dip.yml
file for the available commands
Will run Overmind (or Foreman if Overmind is not installed), builds all assets automaticly and will start the rails server and sidekiq
$ bin/dev
When using dip:
$ dip up web
It uses StandardRB for Ruby to automatically fix code style offenses.
$ bundle exec standardrb
to automatically format Ruby with StandardRB you can run:
$ bundle exec standardrb --fix
For Javascript we use StandardJS.
$ yarn standard
to automatically format the javascript with StandardJS you can run:
$ yarn standard --fix
Inspired by Evil Martians - System of a Test article
To run all the specs you can run:
$ rake
or use RSpec directly with
$ bundle exec rspec
Inside the docker container we have 2 different commands. To just run the unit tests:
$ dip rspec
and to just run the system specs:
$ dip rspec system