A reasonably fast, multi-threaded, chess perft tool. Features:
- Counts nodes, captures, en-passant captures, castles and promotions at a given depth from an given position.
- Bulk counting at leaves
- Threads root node accross available CPUs using Threadpool crate
- Shared hash for nodes near root and thread-local hash for leaf nodes, using Zobrist hashing.
- Uses chess-move-gen create for move generation
- Bitboard representation
- Legal move generation
- Kogge-Stone generators and subtraction methods for checks and pinned piece evaluation, using SSE3 intrinsics where available.
- Magic bitboards for sliding piece move generation.
Make sure you have rust installed.
RUSTFLAGS="-C target-cpu=native" cargo build --release
Pass in a fen string with the --fen
flag, and search depth with the --depth
➜ ./target/release/rustperft --fen "rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w QqKk - 0 1" --depth 8 -h 100000000
| depth | seconds | nodes per second | nodes | captures | ep captures | castles | promotions |
| 8 | 57.56 | 1476585843 | 84998978956 | 3523740106 | 7187977 | 23605205 | 0 |
| hash | entries | bytes | utilization | nodes from hash |
| shared | 1822917 | 87500016 | 49% | 64% |
| thread | 1953120 | 31249920 | 100% | 1% |