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Dictionary Plant Secondary Metabolites

Sagar Jadhav edited this page Jul 1, 2021 · 26 revisions

Plant Secondary Metabolites DICTIONARY:

  1. Presently, 2957 plant secondary metabolites are in dictionary. I have to remove few duplicates. Please, find dictionary.

    Plant secondary metabolites version 1

  2. I used wikipedia page ( to find out only name of plant secondary metabolites. Most of the Wikidata IDs were searched manually. I also used following SPARQL queries

    SELECT ?instance_of ?instance_ofLabel WHERE {

    SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }

    ?instance_of wdt:P31 wd:Q11173.

    ?instance_of wdt:P31 **wd:Q331818**.}

    (replacing wd:Q331818 with wd:Q70702, wd:Q32528, wd:Q80218, wd:Q3234924 and wd:Q222174)

  3. To get names of plant secondary metabolites, I searched papers (supplementary data) of genome wide association studies of Arabidopsis and Rice as well as Tomato (Introgression Lines) (Alseekh et al., 2015; Matsuda et al., 2014; Wu et al., 2018).

    Papers on secondary metabolites Papers on secondary metabolites

  4. Here, we are focusing on only PLANT SECONDARY METABOLITES.

  5. There are natural product databases available (Mangal et al., 2013; Tung 2014). However, they contain microbial natural products also and some such databases require subscription and are not open access. ( ,

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