Please note: this document is a WORK IN PROGRESS.
All pushed branches/PRs will trigger the following workflow:
graph TB
checkout(checkout branch)
dev(install & build dev dependencies)
lint(lint & prettier)
test{run tests}
build-images(build images: `api`, `web`)
prod(install production dependencies)
deploy-staging(push `web` & `api` images to registry)
hold{verify staging deployments are correct}
subgraph build-test-deploy-to-staging
checkout --> dev
dev --> lint
lint --> prod
prod --> test
test --> build-images
build-images --> deploy-staging
deploy-staging --> hold
The following workflow is triggered when pull requests are merged into master
graph TB
hold{verify staging deployments are correct}
merge-to-master(merge PR branch into `master`)
deploy-master(deploy to `now` using bash scripts)
subgraph release-and-deploy-to-prod
hold --> merge-to-master
merge-to-master --> deploy-master