- Youtube: Observer Design Pattern
- Youtube: Observer pattern en JS - Les design patterns en Javascript - Ép.1
- Promesses JS MDN
- Générateur JS MDN
- Observable RX.js (scan, subscribe)
- Discussion projections and spheres with Olivier
- Playing with the projector and the spherical graph
- VegaJS, ObservableHQ
- Updating infrastructure, tooling, npm , nodejs, installation script
- Updating the words.lixend.com application (redesigned) and deploying
- Learning d3-force library by reading the documentation
- ForceLayoutGraph component
- Creating a component for the d3-force layout graph
- Make it flex, adding some attribute, playing with d3-force settings
- Understanding the
- Discussion with Olivier about the project of equi-found distribution for packages of contributors and developers.
- Big promenade in the woods with Caju & Olivier
- Re reading chapter 3 of
The Pragmatic Programmer by Andrew Hunt & David Thomas
- Discussion about the swiss topology data with Olivier and ArcGis
- [Understanding the Force by Shirley Wu](https://medium.com/@sxywu/understanding-the-force-ef1237017d5]
- Adding few plugins for NeoVIM (html literal, css literals, javascript literals)
- Updating and answering on stackoverflow