Developed at May/2021 aiming to training React, props, State, useEffect and lifting State, based on , by orientation of Nilson Alves.
📋 Site information
This is a counter site, you can count the unit of product and the item itself. You can add and subtract the amount of product, put the item into trash and calculate the final price of each item.
This was made to train a project development from the scratch to it functionality.
Few of the topics aproched were stylling, use of libraries, icons and functionalities using useState and useEffect.
🛠️ Technologies
HTML, JSX, JS, React, Styled-components
💻 Execution
This version is available for download without the node_modules folder.
Install Node.js and run npm install -g yarn on a terminal to install Yarn.
To run the project, use a terminal and run:
yarn (to install node_modules)
yarn start (to run the environment and open the website)
🔗 Deploy
Deploy/Hosting by Firebase.
You can find this site on SITE