Version | Date | Authors | Comments |
0.5 | 06/26/2015 | Aaron Klammer | Incorporate latest XSD changes |
0.5 | 02/24/2015 | Aaron Klammer | Incorporate changes from design review. Attendees: Marco, Dave, Elias, Michael, Jim D. |
0.4 | 02/20/2015 | Aaron Klammer | Incorporated Dave's feedback. Resolve operation changed to Consolidate |
0.3 | 02/13/2015 | Aaron Klammer | Incorporated Derek's feedback |
0.2 | 02/12/2015 | Aaron Klammer | Added example XMLs |
0.1 | 02/04/2015 | Aaron Klammer | First draft |
This document defines the 3.0.0 Secondary DataSet abstraction and its XML file representation. A DataSet is a set of a particular data type, such as subreads, references or alignments.
The concept of a homogenous set of elements of a particular data type is used throughout Secondary Analysis. These sets of data are represented in many different ways, sometimes explicitly by creating large files that contain all the data in the set (e.g. filtered_subreads.fasta), and sometimes implicitly by using pointers to the data, such as with the ubiquitous FOFN (file of file names).
Here is a incomplete survey of the uses of cases of sets of fundamental data types and how they are solved in pre-3.0.0 Secondary Analysis:
- Refer to a set of subreads in multiple bax.h5 files
- FOFN of bax.h5 files (for blasr)
- input.xml of bax.h5 files (for SMRT Pipe)
- Refer to a subset of subreads by id from one or more bas.h5 files
- Whitelist option to P_Filter to generate a FOFN of rgn.h5 files + FOFN of bas.h5 files
- Refer to a set of alignments from multiple different references or movies
- Explicitly merge the alignments into a larger (cmp.h5) alignment file
- Create FOFN of cmp.h5 files
- Run algorithms such as HGAP on a subset of subreads (e.g. that align to a contaminant such as E. coli)
- Awkward, but supported indirectly though whitelist option to P_Filter
Run algorithms such as Quiver on a subset of alignments (e.g. on a particular chromosome, or a particular chromosome region, or from reads labeled with a particular barcode)
- Command line options to Quiver (to e.g. specify a particular reference). Not currently supported on other algorithms.
- Refer to a subset of alignments that obey certain criteria. In particular, the extractBy reference or accuracy functionality used in Milhouse.
- Explicit creation of cmp.h5 files using select.
Perform any analysis that can be performed on an entire file of a particular data type (reads, read regions, alignments) on a subset of that data type without creating a new file.
- Not supported pre-3.0.
In many cases the pre-3.0 solutions are serviceable, but they have disadvantages. The reliance on explicit file creation imposes a heavy burden that will be exacerbated as instrument throughput increases. The FOFN partially breaks the tight coupling between explicit files and sets of data, but it fails to allow facile subsetting of files. Tools are forced to reimplement filtering or subsetting logic in their own idiosyncratic ways.
The DataSet XML attempts to satisfy these use cases in a unified way using a canonical representation that can by used throughout the Secondary Analysis system.
The canonical representation of a DataSet is an XML file that contains contains a single DataSet element with four major sections, one mandatory and three optional:
- A mandatory
section with references to external data sources, typically in BAM or FASTA format. The records in these files are the elements of the set of data represented by the DataSet.- An optional
section that filters or subsets the elements of the set in the above files, for example by length.- An optional
section that contains metadata about the DataSet, usually at minimum the number of records and their total length, but possibly much more. For example, subread and CCS read DataSets have metadata regarding instrument collection or biological samples. The Metadata section should be considered to refer to the DataSet elements prior to applying Filters.- An optional
section that labels subsets of the DataSet, for example labelling reads from a particular file as "High SNR."
Here is a simple example of a DataSet XML file containing all four
sections. It creates a set of subreads from two subread BAM files,
filters the subreads by quality using the rq
field of the underlying
BAM records and labels a subset of the subreads as "Extra Long Reads":
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <SubreadSet xmlns=""> <ExternalResources> <ExternalResource MetaType="SubreadFile.SubreadBamFile" ResourceId="file:/mnt/path/to/subreads0.bam"/> <ExternalResource MetaType="SubreadFile.SubreadBamFile" ResourceId="file:/mnt/path/to/subreads1.bam"/> </ExternalResources> <Filters> <Filter> <Parameter Name="rq" Value=">0.75"/> </Filter> </Filters> <DataSetMetadata> <TotalLength>5000</TotalLength> <NumRecords>500</NumRecords> </DataSetMetadata> <DataSets> <SubreadSet Name="Long Reads"> <Filters> <Filter> <Parameter Name="length" Value=">10000"/> </Filter> </Filters> </SubreadSet> </DataSets> </SubreadSet>
DataSets support operations that would naively be expected of sets, such as subsetting and union (although notably not intersection) as well as some additional operations such as consolidating and labelling of subsets.
The initial example SubreadSet above can be subset by adding additional Filter tags:
<SubreadSet> ... <Filters> <Filter> <Parameter Name="rq" Value=">0.75"/> <Parameter Name="length" Value=">100"/> </Filter> </Filters> ... </SubreadSet>
Supported filtering operations are defined in the XSD, but examples include
For BAM files, filtering by
- QNAME (aka Subread Id)
- zm (aka ZMW)
- rq (aka Read Quality)
- bc (aka Barcode)
- length = qs - qe BAM fields (aka ReadLength in Milhouse extractBy)
- qs (aka MoleculeReadStart in Milhouse extractBy)
For FASTA files, filtering by
- id
- length
- For Aligned BAM files
- RNAME (aka Reference by Milhouse extractBy)
- POS (aka TemplateStart by Milhouse extractBy)
- Accuracy (derived from Cigar string)
- ReadStart (for Milhouse extractBy. derived from qs and Cigar string)
Unions can be taken of DataSets with the same underlying file type (noted by the MetaType attribute) and with identical Filters. The SubreadSet above could be created by taking the union of two SubreadSets each containing a single BAM file:
<SubreadSet xmlns=""> <ExternalResources> <ExternalResource MetaType="SubreadFile.SubreadBamFile" ResourceId="file:/mnt/path/to/subreads0.bam"/> </ExternalResources> <Filters> <Filter> <Parameter Name="rq" Value=">0.75"/> </Filter> </Filters> <DataSetMetadata> <TotalLength>3000</TotalLength> <NumRecords>300</NumRecords> </DataSetMetadata> </SubreadSet> <SubreadSet xmlns=""> <ExternalResources> <ExternalResource MetaType="SubreadFile.SubreadBamFile" ResourceId="file:/mnt/path/to/subreads1.bam"/> </ExternalResources> <Filters> <Filter> <Parameter Name="rq" Value=">0.75"/> </Filter> </Filters> <DataSetMetadata> <TotalLength>2000</TotalLength> <NumRecords>200</NumRecords> </DataSetMetadata> </SubreadSet>
Consolidating (aka Resolving) a DataSet means creating an explicit representation in the appropriate format with all filters applied. Here is consolidated version of the SubreadSet above:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <SubreadSet xmlns=""> <ExternalResources> <ExternalResource MetaType="SubreadFile.SubreadBamFile" ResourceId="file:/mnt/path/to/subreads0_plus_subreads1.bam"/> </ExternalResources> <DataSetMetadata> <TotalLength>5000</TotalLength> <NumRecords>500</NumRecords> </DataSetMetadata> </SubreadSet>
Consolidated DataSets are useful for export of a DataSet that exists only implicitly, e.g. by filtering multiple files. They allow the user to incur the IO overhead of seeking over multiple files once at the cost of increased disk usage.
DataSets can contain other DataSets. These DataSets are defined relative
to the parent DataSet, and provide the ability to label subsets of the
parent. For example, in the following DataSet, all alignments to the
reference sequence labelled 2kbControl are labelled 'Control' using the
DataSet Name
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <AlignmentSet xmlns=""> ... <DataSets> <AlignmentSet Name="Control"> <Filters> <Filter> <Parameter Name="RNAME" Value="2kbControl"/> </Filter> </Filters> </AlignmentSet> </DataSets> ... </AlignmentSet>
The DataSet model defers I/O operations by replacing up-front file merges with downstream I/O operations that hit many different files. This allows consumers to avoid explicit creation of files on disk and the resulting redundant storage and costly write operations. For many uses this many-file approach will be better than explicitly creating the file on disk, but in some cases it may be desirable to incur the cost of accessing and filtering multiple files once (e.g. to reduce disk seeks for highly fragmented DataSets). Determining when the costs outweigh the benefits will need practical investigation, but regardless the Consolidate operation provides the means for using the form of DataSet that best fits a particular use case.
Refer to a set of subreads in multiple bax.h5 files. The SubreadSet XML above satisfies this use case using BAM files instead of BAX files:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <SubreadSet xmlns=""> <ExternalResources> <ExternalResource MetaType="SubreadFile.SubreadBamFile" ResourceId="file:/mnt/path/to/subreads0.bam"/> <ExternalResource MetaType="SubreadFile.SubreadBamFile" ResourceId="file:/mnt/path/to/subreads1.bam"/> </ExternalResources> <Filters> <Filter> <Parameter Name="rq" Value=">0.75"/> </Filter> </Filters> <DataSetMetadata> <TotalLength>5000</TotalLength> <NumRecords>500</NumRecords> </DataSetMetadata> </SubreadSet>
Refer to a subset of subreads by id from one or more bas.h5 files:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <SubreadSet xmlns=""> <ExternalResources> <ExternalResource MetaType="SubreadFile.SubreadBamFile" ResourceId="file:/mnt/path/to/subreads0.bam"/> </ExternalResources> <Filters> <Filter> <Parameter Name="QNAME" Value="m100000/0/0_100"/> </Filter> <Filter> <Parameter Name="QNAME" Value="m100000/1/0_200"/> </Filter> </Filters> <DataSetMetadata> <TotalLength>5000</TotalLength> <NumRecords>500</NumRecords> </DataSetMetadata> </SubreadSet>
Run algorithms such as HGAP on a subset of subreads (e.g. that align to a contaminant such as E. coli)
- Use a SubreadSet filtered by RNAME.
- Refer to a set of alignments from multiple different references or movies
- Use an AlignmentSet with multiple reference files.
Run algorithms such as Quiver on a subset of alignments (e.g. on a particular chromosome, or a particular chromosome region, or from reads labeled with a particular barcode)
- Use an AlignmentSet filtered by RNAME.
Refer to a subset of alignments that obey certain criteria (e.g. the merge/extractBy functionality in Milhouse).
- Use an AlignmentSet filtered by e.g. RNAME.
Perform any analysis that can be performed on an entire file of a particular data type (reads, read regions, alignments) on a subset of that data type without creating a new file.
- Relies on tools using common APIs to access DataSets.
DataSets subtypes are defined for the most common "bread-and-butter" entities consumed and produced by Secondary Analysis pipelines
- SubreadSet - The basic sequence DataSet generated by the instrument.
- CCSreadSet - CCS sequence data.
- AlignmentSet - Aligned reads in BAM format.
- ReferenceSet - The FASTA reference used by Resequencing, Base Mods, Minor Variants. Replaces the reference repository entries.
- ContigSet - Produced by HGAP or AHA.
- BarcodeSet - The FASTA file used by barcode detection.
Why include barcodes, contigs and references in the DataSet concept? Operations on these data types do not typically include the set operations such as subsetting, union or labelling of subsets, so why include them? The main motivation is to provide a standard interface for inputs to pbsmrtpipe and to represent these resources in a standard way in SMRT Portal. Rather than special casing these kinds of data in the GUI and the pipeline controller (as is done for references in SMRT Portal) or forcing these data into one-size fits all solutions (as is done for barcodes and contigs by treating them as references in SMRT Portal) making them DataSets allows us to treat them as just another subtype of the general DataSet concept.
DataSet | DataSet MetaType | DataSet XML File Extension |
SubreadSet | PacBio.DataSet.SubreadSet | .subreadset.xml |
HdfSubreadSet | PacBio.DataSet.HdfSubreadSet | .hdfsubreadset.xml |
AlignmentSet | PacBio.DataSet.AlignmentSet | .alignmentset.xml |
BarcodeSet | PacBio.DataSet.BarcodeSet | .barcodeset.xml |
ConsensusReadSet | PacBio.DataSet.ConsensusReadSet | .consensusreadset.xml |
ConsensusAlignmentSet | PacBio.DataSet.ConsensusAlignmentSet | .consensusalignmentset.xml |
ContigSet | PacBio.DataSet.ContigSet | .contigset.xml |
ReferenceSet | PacBio.DataSet.ReferenceSet | .referenceset.xml |
DataSet | ExternalResource MetaType | File Extensions |
SubreadSet | PacBio.SubreadFile.SubreadBamFile | .bam |
HdfSubreadSet | PacBio.SubreadFile.BaxFile | .bax.h5 |
AlignmentSet | PacBio.AlignmentFile.AlignmentBamFile | .bam, .cmp.h5 |
BarcodeSet | PacBio.BarcodeFile.BarcodeFastaFile | .fasta |
ConsensusReadSet | PacBio.ConsensusReadFile.ConsensusReadBamFile | .bam |
ConsensusAlignmentSet | PacBio.AlignmentFile.ConsensusAlignmentBamFile | .bam |
ContigSet | PacBio.ContigFile.ContigFastaFile | .fasta |
ReferenceSet | PacBio.ReferenceFile.ReferenceFastaFile | .fasta |
- SubreadSet Special Purpose ExternalResources:
- PacBio.SubreadFile.ScrapsBamFile
- PacBio.SubreadFile.HqRegionBamFile
- PacBio.SubreadFile.HqScrapsBamFile
- PacBio.SubreadFile.LqRegionBamFile
- PacBio.SubreadFile.LqScrapsBamFile
- PacBio.SubreadFile.PolymeraseBamFile
- PacBio.SubreadFile.PolymeraseScrapsBamFile
- Bam Related Special Purpose ExternalResources:
- PacBio.Index.BamIndex (.bai)
- PacBio.Index.PacBioIndex (.pbi)
- Fasta Related Special Purpose ExternalResources:
- PacBio.Index.SamIndex (.fai)
- PacBio.Index.SaWriterIndex (.sa)
The pattern for time stamped names generated by secondary should be:
Where metatype has been transformed into a lowercase, underscore separated string and the time string format directives map to the following entities: year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond.
DataSet | TimeStampedName | DataSet UI Name |
SubreadSet | pacbio_dataset_subreadset-<yymmdd_HHmmssttt> | TBD |
HdfSubreadSet | pacbio_dataset_hdfsubreadset-<yymmdd_HHmmssttt> | TBD |
AlignmentSet | pacbio_dataset_alignmentset-<yymmdd_HHmmssttt> | TBD |
BarcodeSet | pacbio_dataset_barcodeset-<yymmdd_HHmmssttt> | TBD |
ConsensusReadSet | pacbio_dataset_consensusreadset-<yymmdd_HHmmssttt> | TBD |
ConsensusAlignmentSet | pacbio_dataset_consensusalignmentset-<yymmdd_HHmmssttt> | TBD |
ContigSet | pacbio_dataset_contigset-<yymmdd_HHmmssttt> | TBD |
ReferenceSet | pacbio_dataset_referenceset-<yymmdd_HHmmssttt> | TBD |
Support for using the DataSet XML throughout the Secondary Analysis stack:
An API will be provided that makes consuming DataSet XML files or the underlying files such as BAM as burden-free as possible.
At minimum, 3.0.0 will have the following command-line support: create subreads.fofn > subreads.xml filter subreads.xml --parameter "name=rq,value=>0.75" > filtered_subreads.xml union subreads1.xml subreads2.xml > subreads_union.xml consolidate subreads1.xml > consolidated_subreads.xml
TODO This section needs more detail. Add specs for tools needed for creating and manipulating DataSets on the command line.
While technically an XML file with multiple DataSet elements is valid under the XSD, it is expected that the command line use cases will follow 1 XML file - 1 DataSet element convention.
All bioinformatics tools that consume DataSet XML files should be capable of producing identical results using the equivalent BAM or FASTA file generated after applying all filters. In other words, the DataSet XML is not required to obtain bioinformatics results. However, support for the DataSet XML is encouraged for Secondary Analysis tools, and facilitated using the above API.
The DataSet XML is required for display of DataSets (such as references) in SMRT Portal and for chunking in the distributed pipelines using pbsmrtpipe. Moreover, for these applications the DataSetMetadata field is mandatory, not optional.
To allow user editing of attributes such as Name without affecting the underlying DataSet we define the Core DataSet as the XML with the user editable attributes (Name, Description and Tags) removed (not set to "", but absent). This Core DataSet is immutable and is the entity on which identity operations will be defined. As a consequence, any modifications to fields other than Name, Description or Tags requires giving the DataSet a new UniqueId. Operations such as md5 checksum should be performed on the Core DataSet unless otherwise specified.
These DataSet types may need to be added post-3.0.0
- ConsensusAlignmentSet
- OverlapSet (for incremental HGAP)
Subread region slicing, while desirable, is not strictly necessary in version 3.0.0, and so will be delayed to a future release
Here are some example XML files for each of the above DataSets