This tool converts LDIF files to CSV format and allows for changing delimiters and separators.
- Python 3.9+
- ldif
You can install the tool using the following command directly from Github.
pip install git+
or can install the tool using pip.
pip install ldif2csv
ldif2csv [-h] --input <filename> [--output <filename>] [--separator <sep>] [--delimeter <delim>]
Tool to convert LDIF to CSV
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i <filename>, --input <filename> LDIF to read as input.
-o <filename>, --output <filename> CSV file to create as output.
-s <sep>, --separator <sep> Character to separate the fields in the CSV. By default this is a comma.
-d <delim>, --delimeter <delim> Character to delimit multi value fields. By default this is a semi-colon.