A toy implementation of BSGS algorithm on elliptic curve
c++ bsgs.cc -o bsgs && ./bsgs
- Support weierstrass form:
$y^2 = x^3 + ax + b \bmod{p}$ - Optional parameter of ellitpic curve: a, b, p
- Automatically generate random point on curve (Legendre + Tonelli-Shanks algorithm)
- Replace naive API with NTL API to support big integer.
- Other algrithm
// type of point on toy curve
// always use point_t* (never point_t)
using point_t = pair<zp_t, zp_t>;
// parameters of elliptic curve
struct param_t {
zp_t a, b, p; // enough for a toy
param_t() {}
param_t(zp_t a_, zp_t b_, zp_t p_) : a(a_), b(b_), p(p_) {}
} ecc; // a global public curve
// finite field (Zp) arithmetic
inline zp_t zp_add(zp_t l, zp_t r) { return (l + r) % ecc.p; }
inline zp_t zp_sub(zp_t l, zp_t r) { return (ecc.p + l - r) % ecc.p; }
inline zp_t zp_mul(zp_t l, zp_t r) { return (l * r) % ecc.p; }
inline zp_t zp_inv(zp_t a) {
i64 t = 0, nt = 1;
i64 r = ecc.p, nr = a;
i64 tt, rr;
while (nr) {
auto mod = r / nr;
tt = t; rr = r;
t = nt; r = nr;
nt = tt - mod * nt;
nr = rr - mod * nr;
// if (r > 1) "not invertible";
return t < 0 ? t + ecc.p : t;
bool ec_check(const point_t *P) {
zp_mul(P->second, P->second) ==
zp_add( ecc.b,
zp_mul(P->first, zp_mul(P->first, P->first)),
zp_mul(ecc.a, P->first)
// R = P + P, assert P is not nullptr
inline void ec_dbl(const point_t *P, point_t *&R) {
if (!P) { delete R; R = nullptr; return; }
auto xp = P->first, yp = P->second;
if (!R) R = new point_t;
auto lmd = zp_mul(
zp_add(zp_mul(3, zp_mul(xp, xp)), ecc.a),
zp_inv(zp_mul(2, yp))
// cout << "lmd: " << lmd << endl;
R->first = zp_sub(zp_mul(lmd, lmd), zp_add(xp, xp));
R->second = zp_sub(zp_mul(lmd, zp_sub(xp, R->first)), yp);
// R = P + Q
inline void ec_add(const point_t *P, const point_t *Q, point_t *&R) {
// avoid alias reference
point_t *PP = P ? new point_t(*P) : nullptr;
point_t *QQ = Q ? new point_t(*Q) : nullptr;
if (!R) R = new point_t;
if (!PP) {
if (!QQ) { delete R; R = nullptr; return; }
*R = *QQ;
if (!QQ) {
*R = *PP;
auto xp = PP->first, yp = PP->second;
auto xq = QQ->first, yq = QQ->second;
if (xp == xq) {
if (yp == yq) { ec_dbl(PP, R); }
else { delete R; R = nullptr; }
auto lmd = zp_mul(zp_inv(zp_sub(xq, xp)), zp_sub(yq, yp));
R->first = zp_sub(zp_mul(lmd, lmd), zp_add(xp, xq));
R->second = zp_sub(zp_mul(lmd, zp_sub(xp, R->first)), yp);
// Q = -P
inline void ec_inv(const point_t *P, point_t *Q) {
if (!P) { delete Q; Q = nullptr; return; }
if (!Q) Q = new point_t;
*Q = point_t(P->first, ecc.p - P->second);
// Q = kP (double-and-add)
inline void ec_smul(const point_t *P, u64 k, point_t *&Q) {
point_t *PP = new point_t(*P);
u64 mask = 1ull << 31;
if (Q) { delete Q; Q = nullptr; }
while (mask) {
ec_dbl(Q, Q);
if (k & mask) ec_add(Q, PP, Q);
mask >>= 1;
u64 bsgs(const point_t *P, const point_t *Q) {
map<point_t, u64> tab;
auto n = ecc.p + 1 + 2 * floor<u64>(sqrt(ecc.p));
auto m = ceil<u64>(sqrt(n)) + 1;
point_t *L = nullptr;
for (u64 i = 1; i <= m; ++i) {
ec_add(L, P, L); // baby step
if (!L) continue;
if (*L == *Q) return i;
tab[*L] = i;
point_t *R = nullptr, *G = nullptr;
ec_smul(P, m, G);
ec_inv(G, G);
ec_add(Q, nullptr, R);
for (u64 i = 1; i <= m; ++i) {
ec_add(R, G, R); // gaint step
if (!R) return i * m;
if (tab.count(*R)) return tab[*R] + i * m;
return 0; // no solution
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baby-step_giant-step
- https://crypto.stackexchange.com/questions/43614/how-to-find-the-generator-of-an-elliptic-curve
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baby-step_giant-step
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Counting_points_on_elliptic_curves#Approaches_to_counting_points_on_elliptic_curves
- https://hyperelliptic.org/EFD/