- Updated for WoW 7.3
- Updated for WoW 7.2
- Updated for WoW 7.1
- Updated for WoW 7.0
- Updated experience per level data
- Updated for WoW 6.1
- Updated experience values for levels 90-100
- Updated for WoW 6.0
- Updated for WoW 5.4
- Updated for reduced experience for levels 85-90 in Patch 5.3
- Fixed weird percentage calculation
- Updated for WoW 5.2
- Added Simplified Chinese translations from okaydud on Curse
- Added total percent progress to max level in the XP tooltip
- Fixed XP to max level calculation
- Fixed digit separation in Russian clients (Blizzard's fault!)
- Fixed digit separation
- Updated with XP per level through level 90
- Updated for WoW 5.0.4
- Updated for WoW 5.0.4 beta Note that XP totals for 85-90 are not included yet, so "XP to level 90" is not accurate for those playing on MoP beta servers.
- Added itIT localization
- Fixed some issues with digit grouping
- Updated for WoW 4.3
- Added Português (ptBR) translations
- Updated for WoW 4.2
- Added German, French, and Russian translations
- Fixed an error that occurred when mousing over the plugin on a max-level character without a watched faction
- Added full support for localization
- Added Spanish localization
- Added experience for levels 80–85
- Fixed leaked global variable
- Fixed event mapping so the text actually updates
- Fixed rested experience percent calculation
- Fixed digit grouping for negative numbers
- Fix tooltip for certain displays
- Add digit grouping to make large numbers more readable
- Added XP per level from 70 to 80
- Updated XP per level from 60 to 70
- Removed "xp to max level" for now pending new data
- Fixed tooltip anchoring
- Added SVN properties for proper packaging
- Initial public release