Try this Electron & React 16 & Webpack 4 template for a quick development and prototyping.
# Clone the repository
$ git clone
# Go into the repository
$ cd electron-react-webpack
# Install dependencies
$ npm install
Just run this command to start developing with hot reloading.
$ npm start
- JSX support for React.
- CSS modules support.
- JS, CSS and assets automatic bundling.
- Hot reloading via Webpack 4.
├── electron-react-webpack/ # Your project's name, you can rename it
├── app/
├── build/ # Webpack 4 will manage this folder for you
├── bundle.css # Bundled CSS
├── bundle.js # Bundled JS
├── ... # Your images will be copied here
├── src/
├── assets/ # Images
├── electron.png
├── react.png
├── webpack.png
├── components/ # React Components
├── Link/ # To keep them modularized follow this structure:
├── index.jsx # Your component's React code
├── styles.css # Your component's scoped CSS
├── Logo/
├── index.jsx
├── styles.css
├── App.jsx # React main component where everything is tied up
├── renderer_process.js # Electron's renderer-process, where you React app is called.
├── global.css # Global CSS and global constants go here
├── index.html # This HTML only uses build/ folder's files
├── main_process.js # Electron's main process. Whole app is launched from here
├── package.json
├── webpack.config.js # Webpack 4 setup
- electron-vue-webpack - Minimal Electron template using Vue 2 instead of React.