Implementation of Le and Hodgin's Realtime Skinning with Optimized Centers of Rotation in Maya 2017
This project consists of a Maya Deformer plugin of Le and Hodgin's algorithm for Realtime Skinning using Optimized Centers of Rotation for Maya 2017. The deformer is in what I would term as an alpha state and is essentially a prototype for further development. In its current implementation it consists of a serial CPU and a GPU implementation of the deformation algorithm, as well as serial implementation of the precomputation algorithm, in its naive form.
Le, B. H., & Hodgins, J. K. (2016). Real-time skeletal skinning with optimized centers of rotation. ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), 35(4), 37.
TODO: Implementation of precomputation using optimizations specified in Le and Hodgin's paper.
Implementation of a Qt UI to itegrate the deformer into the Maya interface.
Usage: The plugin has been tested and compiles under Microsoft Visual C++ 2012, update 4, on Microsoft Windows operating systems. No testing has been performed on Linux or OSX, however, no libraries external to OpenMaya have been used, so given proper configurations for projects, the plugin should compile on those platforms without issue.
To apply the deformer, select the bones, then mesh and run the bind script. After weighting your mesh, uncheck valid precomputation and then playback to force precomputation evaluation.
This plugin is not production ready at this time. It is a prototype.
No warranty is expressed or implied, use at your own risk.
Licensing: This code is licensce under the Creative Common's Attribution-Non-Commercial- ShareAlike 4.0 license, details of which can be found here:
Basically, don't sell it, tweak it to your heart's content and acknowledge the use of what you found here. Thanks for playing fair.