When a user selects a single Asset Build, allows to copy to another project
an enumerator will allow the user to choose a destination project
if no destination project is selected, the form reopens
if the AssetBuild object type does not exist in the resulting project, the action fails.
if an AssetBuild with the same name already exists, it will rename it
I'd like to filter out projects which don't have AssetBuilds in their project schema. I tried to find a way but could not. Found a post that pointed that this is not possible: https://forum.ftrack.com/topic/1328-query-project-schema-objects/. I could have gone for an approach of trying to create an asset build and filter out the projects that can't create it. I preferred not doing that, for performance purposes. If you try to copy to a project that does not have asset builds, it will just fail and send a fail message.
The AssetBuild, when discovering actions, has a type
, notassetbuild
I found that strange but there might be a reason for that. -
The instructions did not say if a deep copy was needed (tasks, versions, components and all their files in different locations). I would have liked to do that, but I did not have time. Furthermore, I felt that some instructions were missing if I wanted to copy it "fully": what fields should be kept for each object type? Do we reset statuses, not put assignees, etc? So instead it's just linking to the "original" asset build
the documentation is not clear about how to mark a job as failed. But the error message if you try to put something random is, that's where I found the keyword was "failed"