The Radeon Raytracing Analyzer (RRA) is a tool designed to help improve the raytracing performance of AMD GPU's that support raytracing. The tool thus far focuses on the visualization of the Acceleration Structures, which consist of Bounding Volume Hierarchies.
Game developers are responsible for creating the acceleration structures and so need a method of visualizing these acceleration structures and how they can affect performance.
RRA allows the developer to visualize the bounding box hierarchies, and related scene geometries, via a standard rasterizer renderer or using a traveral counter view which will quickly hightlight areas of concern. Once identified, the developer can revisit their BVH generation strategy to reduce performance bottlenecks.
- Install the latest AMD Video/display driver. Completely remove previously installed drivers. On Windows, the driver installation factory reset option should be used.
- Unzip/Untar the download file. The directory includes the following:
- Radeon Developer Service (RDS)
- Radeon Developer Service CLI (RDS headless)
- Radeon Developer Panel (RDP)
- Radeon Raytracing Analyzer (RRA)
- To capture a trace from a game, run the Radeon Developer Panel and follow the instructions in the Help. Help can be found in the following locations:
- Help web pages exist in the "docs" sub directory
- Help web pages can be accessed from the Help button in the Developer Panel
- Help web pages can be accessed from the Welcome screen in the Radeon Raytracing Analyzer, or from the Help menu
- The documentation is hosted publicly at:
- DirectX12
- Vulkan
- AMD Radeon RX 6000 series
- Windows® 10
- Windows® 11
- Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Vulkan only)
- Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (Vulkan only)
See for more details.
Radeon Raytracing Analyzer is licensed under the MIT license. See the License.txt file for complete license information.
Please see NOTICES.txt for third party license information.
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