Clone the project radeon_raytracing_analyzer from
git clone
As a preliminary step, make sure that you have the following installed on your system:
- CMake 3.11 or above.
- Python 3.7 or above.
- Qt® 5 or above (5.15.2 is the default and recommended).
- Visual Studio® 2015 or above (2019 is the default).
Qt V5.15.2 can be installed using the Qt online installer available from the Qt 5.15.2 release page here: As an alternative, the Qt 5.12.6 offline installer can be used here: Qt should be installed to the default location (C:\Qt\Qt5.xx.x). Be sure to select msvc2017/msvc2019 64-bit during Qt installation, depending on the compiler you decide to use. A reboot is required after Qt is installed.
CMake can be downloaded from ( Python (V3.x) can be downloaded from ( To build the documentation from Visual Studio, the Sphinx Python Document Generator is needed. This can be installed once Python is installed, as follows:
- Open a command prompt and navigate to the scripts folder in the python install folder. Then type these 2 commands:
- pip install -U sphinx
- pip install sphinx_rtd_theme
Run the python script in the build folder from a command prompt. If no command line options are provided, the defaults will be used (Qt 5.15.2 and Visual Studio 2019)
Some useful options of the script:
- --vs : generate the solution files for a specific Visual Studio version. For example, to target Visual Studio 2017, add --vs 2017 to the command.
- --qt : full path to the folder from where you would like the Qt binaries to be retrieved. By default, CMake would try to auto-detect Qt on the system.
Once the script has finished, in the case of Visual Studio 2019, a sub-folder called 'vs2019' will be created containing the necessary build files. Go into the 'vs2019' folder (build/win/vs2019) and double click on the RRA.sln file and build the 64-bit Debug and Release builds. The Release and Debug builds of RRA will be available in the build/release and build/debug folders.
Required dependencies can be installed as follows:
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install build-essential python3 chrpath sudo apt-get install python3-pip pip install sphinx_rtd_theme sudo snap install cmake --classic sudo apt-get install git sudo apt-get install git-lfs sudo apt-get install python3-sphinx sudo apt-get install libxcb-xinerama0 sudo apt-get install mesa-common-dev libglu1-mesa-dev
Qt V5.15.2 can be installed using the Qt online installer available from the Qt 5.15.2 release page here: As an alternative, the Qt 5.12.6 offline installer can be used here: (the .run file) and installed to ~/Qt/Qt5.12.6 (the default of ~/Qt5.12.6 will not work).
XCB libraries are required for Qt v5.15.x (they are not needed for older Qt versions). By default, the CMake configuration will attempt to copy these files from the Qt lib folder. If these files are installed elsewhere on the system or an older version of Qt is being used to build RRA, the --disable-extra-qt-lib-deploy script argument may be used. This will prevent the build configuration scripts from attempting to copy the libraries in the post build step. If needed, the XCB library files (libxcb*) can be obtained from the /lib folder of the Radeon Developer Tool Suite download found at
Run the python in the build folder.
$ python3
Or run the script with the -qt option to specify another version of Qt (also use the --disable-extra-qt-lib-deploy flag since the XCB libraries aren't needed). For example:
$ python3 --qt 5.12.6 --disable-extra-qt-lib-deploy
The script will construct the output folders and build the necessary makefiles. To build the release build, use:
$ make -j5 -C linux/make/release
Similarly for the debug build, use:
$ make -j5 -C linux/make/debug
Alternatively, building can be done directly from the prebuild script with the --build option
$ python3 --build