RetopoFlow is a suite of retopology tools for Blender built by CG Cookie. The tools are offered as add-on for Blender that provides a dedicated set of mesh tools designed specifically for retopology, creating a complete workflow in Blender without the need for outside applications.
RetopoFlow includes several tools, all of which automatically snap the resulting mesh to the target object surface. All mesh generation is quad-based (unless you explicitly create other ngons) and tools are modal.
You may purchase RetopoFlow on the Blender Market
Purchasing a license entitles you to tool support and helps ensure RetopoFlows continued development.
You can get support for tools by sending a message to CG Cookie on your Blender Market Inbox.
A valid purchase is required for product support.
In addition to the Blender Market, all releases of RetopoFlow are accessible from the GitHub RetopoFlow Releases. Simply download the appropriate attached zip (NOT the Source Code!), then install as Blender add-on (Blender > Edit > Preferences > Add-ons > Install...).
Pull requests are welcome! If you'd like to contribute to the project then simply fork the repo, work on your changes, and then submit a pull request. We are quite strict on what we allow in, but all suggestions are welcome. If you're unsure what to contribute, then look at the open issues for the current to-dos.