A free and open source Pixar's USD editor, still in early development.
The UI is built with ImGUI and is fully C++/OpenGL. The code is organised such that it should eventually be possible to reuse the widgets in other C++ projects using OpenGL and USD.
The editor allows
- editing multiple stages and layers
- adding, deleting, reparenting, renaming sdf prims in layers
- creating and deleting variants
- adding references and payloads, inherits, ...
- changing property values
- adding and deleting keys
- translating, rotating, scaling objects in the viewport.
- and more ...
They are still missing features and the editor hasn't faced users yet but I believe it might be useful in some situations, to replace text editors for small fixes, or to author a simple master stage. One of the original idea was to directly edit layers without the need of knowing the USD syntax, and the Layer editor has the basic functionalities for that. Drop me an email if you are interested in beta testing.
The project is almost self contained and only needs:
- cmake > 3.6 and a C++14 compiler installed
- a build of Universal Scene Description version 21.02
- a build of GLFW, version 3.3.2 works
If you managed to build USD, compiling usdtweak should be straightforward, cmake needs only 2 variables:
- pxr_DIR pointing to the USD installation directory containing the file pxrConfig.cmake
- glfw3_DIR pointing to the USD installation directory containing the file glfw3Config.cmake
on linux it goes along the lines of:
git clone https://github.com/cpichard/usdtweak
cd usdtweak
git checkout develop
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -Dpxr_DIR=/installs/usd-21.02 -Dglfw3_DIR=/installs/glfw-3.3.2/lib/cmake/glfw3 ..
It should compile successfully on Windows 10 with MSVC 19, CentOS 7 with g++ and MacOS Catalina. The viewport doesn't work on mac as the OpenGL version is not supported, but the layer editor does.
If you want to know more, drop me an email: cpichard.github@gmail.com