Autodesk Xgen Xpd to Usd curve conversion tool. Converts curve grooms baked down to xpd to UsdBasisCurve geometry. Xuv to Usd now included
:>cmake .
:>cmake --build .
:>xpdToUsd pathToXpd pathToUsd_output
:>xpdToUsd pathToUsd pathToXpd_output primPath
:>xpdToUsd pathToXuv pathToUsd_output
:>xpdToUsd pathToUsd pathToXuv_output primPath
Xpd is a very "growth geometry centric" format as the end client is xgen, an instancing software. So some special attributes need to exist on the basisCurve before conversion. These attributes will exist inside the Usd geometry upon xpd->Usd conversion
xpd:faceIds - VtArray(int) : per curve OSD patch index the curve root lands on
xpd:uvLocations - VtArray(GfVec3f) : per curve OSD patch uv coordinate curve root lands on. We toss the third element as this is just barycentric coordinates of a face
Xgen requires a uniform cv count on every curve
In Xgen, change renderer to Xpd and point to a directory and hit "Create Xpd File" to generate file
Houdini/Blender examples forthcoming
Xpd - Shipped with Autodesk Maya
Usd - Pixar Usd