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Helps Thanos reach scraping targets on CF and beyond


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A sidecar for Prometheus / Thanos to discover scrape endpoints and rules. It also manages the required CF network policies to support scraping via apps.internal routes. Finally, it can autoscale your CF applications based on arbitrary PromQL statements!


This project is not endorsed or supported by HSDP. Use at your own risk.


Variant uses the Cloud foundry API to:

  • Discover metrics endpoints and scrape targets through CF labels / annotations

  • Discover rules (alerts, recorders) through CF labels / annotations

  • Creates rule_files_*.yml containing discovered rules

  • Renders scrape_configs: and rule_files: sections

  • Adds / removes required CF network policies which enable Promethues to scrape target containers

  • Writes the prometheus.yml config file and triggers Prometheus to reload

  • Evaluates autoscaling rules and scales up/down your app accordingly


Setting Labels and Annotations

The Cloud foundry provider supports managing annotations and labels and we recommend taking this approach. Alternatively, you can use the CF CLI.

Terraform example

resource "cloudfoundry_app" "kong" {
  // Stuff here
  labels = {
    "variant.tva/exporter"   = true
    "variant.tva/rules"      = true
    "variant.tva/autoscaler" = true
  annotations = {
    "prometheus.exporter.port" = "8001"
    "prometheus.exporter.path" = "/metrics"
    "prometheus.exporter.scrape_interval" = "30s"
    "prometheus.rules.json" = jsonencode([
        alert = "KongWaitingConnections"
        expr = "kong_nginx_http_current_connections{state=\"waiting\"} > 2"
        for = "1m"
        labels = {
          severity = "critical"
        annotations = {
          summary = "Instance {{ $labels.instance }} has more than 2 waiting connections per minute"
          description = "{{ $labels.instance }} waiting http connections is at {{ $value }}"
    "prometheus.exporter.relabel_configs" = jsonencode([
        source_labels = ["__name__"]
        regex = "^(go|process).*$"
        action = "drop"
    "variant.autoscaler.json" = jsonencode([
        min = 2
        max = 5
        expr = "query_result > 80"
        query = "avg(avg_over_time(cpu{guid=\"{{ guid }}\"}[{{ window }}]))"

CF CLI example

cf set-label app tempo variant.tva/exporter=true
cf curl v3/apps/GUID \
  -X PATCH \
  -d '{
    "metadata": {
      "annotations": {
        "prometheus.exporter.port": "8001"


Labels control which CF apps variant will examine for exporters or rules

Label Description
variant.tva/exporter=true Variant will examine this app for Metrics exporter endpoints
variant.tva/rules=true Variant will look for Prometheus rules in the annotations
variant.tva/tenant=default Optionally associate the app to a tenant bucket
variant.tva/autoscaler=true Variant will look for Autoscaling configurations in the annotations


Annotations contain the configurations for metrics and rule definitions

For exporters

Annotation Description Default
prometheus.exporter.port The metrics ports to use 9090
prometheus.exporter.path The metrics path to use /metrics
prometheus.exporter.scrape_interval The scrape interval for this app
prometheus.exporter.instance_name The instance name to use (optional)
prometheues.exporter.relabel_configs Relabel configs for this application
promethues.targets.port The targets port to use (optional)
prometheus.targets.path The targets path to use (optional) /targets

For rules

Annotation Description Default
prometheus.rules.json JSON string of []Rule jsonecode('[]')
prometheus.rules.*.json JSON string of a Rule object

When both formats are used the rules are merged in the final rule file rendering. This is useful to circumvent the 5000 character limit for annotation values in CF.

For autoscaler

Annotation Description Default
variant.autoscaler.json JSON string of []Scaler jsonencode('[]')

The Scaler object has the following attributes

Attribute Description Default
min Minimum instances to scale to
max Maximum instances to scale to
query The PromQL query to execute
expr The expression to evaluate. Query result is query_result. If the expression evaluates to true the app will scale up
window The window to use for queries 1m

The following placeholders may be used in the query definition

Placeholder Description
{{ guid }} The application GUID. Useful as label in your query
{{ window }} The window as defined in the Scaler object

Limiting scraping scope

In some deployments you may want to limit which apps variant will consider. There are several ways of achieving this:

  • By limiting the CF functional accounts visibility i.e. only add to specific spaces
  • By configuring a tenant list and setting variant.tva/tenant label accordingly
  • By specifying a list of space GUIDs to filter on

CF functional account visibility

Variant uses the CF API to look for candidate apps to scrap. By simply limiting which spaces your CF functional account can access you can control which apps are found

Tenant based filtering

You can label apps with variant.tva/tenant label and pass the values to variant through the --tenants parameter (comma separated). This will tell variant to only consider apps label with these tenant values

CF spaces based filtering

Finally, variant can take a list of CF space GUIDs through the --spaces parameter (comma separated). Variant will then only consider apps in these spaces, irrespective of the tenant configuration. This method is useful if you have an all-seeing CF functional account but still want to limit which apps are considered by variant.


License is MIT