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This package tries to implement evolutionary algorithms (or "population methods", see Luke, 2013) with a very flexible interface. Currently, only the genetic algorithm (GA) in its classic form is supported, but I plan to add other variations and evolution strategies (ES).


There are two existing Julia packages that I know of which implement genetic algorithms, Evolutionary.jl and GeneticAlgorithms.jl. I decided to write a completely new on since I didn't really like the interfaces of both (GeneticAlgorithms requires to write a module and uses task functions for grouping, and Evolutionary is less flexible and exposes much of internal specifics, IMHO).

Instead, I wanted to have something like in the style DifferentialEquations.jl, with a very flexible, high level interface and convenient control possibilities. Originally I tried to replicate their iterator interface, but then switched to the more general interface of LearningStrategies.jl, which is explained below.

Additionally, I took efforts to implement other parts in a combinator style as well, e.g. genetic operators, lifting of them, rate parameters, etc.


In the style of LearningStrategies, you need to define define two things for optimizing a problem:

  • A model, which contains the data and specification of the problem -- what is be optimized. In this package, this will be a subtype of AbstractPopulationModel, holding at least the population and fitness. Usually, the PopulationModel type will be enough for this.
  • A LearningStrategy which determines how the model should be optimized. This corresponds to a certain algorithm, such as GAStrategy. The strategy includes the genetic operators and internal values, e.g. caches.

Let's look at an example for GAs:

model = PopulationModel(initial_population, fitness)
strat = strategy(GAStrategy(selection, crossover, mutation), MaxIter(generations))
learn!(model, strat)

By calling learn!(model, strat), you execute the following loop on model:

setup!(strat, model)
for (generation, _d) in Iterators.repeated(nothing)
    update!(model, strat, generation, _d)
    hook(strat, model, d_, generation)
    finished(strat, model, d_, generation) && break
cleanup!(strat, model)

(The presence of the unused _d is a leftover from LearningStrategies, but we usually have no data be read iteratively in population methods). The main part of a strategy consists the update! function, in which the genetic operators are applied. Termination through finished is mostly left to meta-strategies like LearningStrategies.MaxIter, which can be combined with an evolutionary algorithm in an arbitrary way:

strategy(Verbose(strat), MaxIter(g))

would be the most common one, specifying termination after g generations and printing stuff about strat (see here for about other strategies).


Mostly everything is parametrized by a first type parameter G for the "things which should be optimized" -- that is, the genome which is used. The type G should implement rand, copy, and have an AbstractFitness{G} object associated with it.

Individuals/Fitness Caching

Internally in models and such, not G itself is used, but a wrapper Individual{G}, which has an additional field for caching the fitness of a genome. Thus you don't have deal with fitness caching yourself.

There are two other type synonyms related to Individual:

const Population{G} = Vector{Individual{G}}
const Family{G, N} = NTuple{N, Individual{G}}

Usually, the only place where you have to deal with Individuals is where you set up the initial population for your problem, like the following:

Population(rand(Genome, N))

Fitness evaluation is done from outside, using asses! from the strategy. Thus, the individual does not need to care about knowing its fitness function or model.


There is a type AbstractPopulationModel{G}, in case there should be need to specialize models some time. However, in all usual cases, the only provided concrete type PopulationModel should be enough. The parameter G as always specifies the genome type.

A model needs to fulfil the following interface:

  • A field population, keeping a Population{G}. Some models, such as GAModel, modify this field in place – in that case, making the type mutable is required.
  • A field fittest, keeping the currently fittest Individual{G} as specified by the fitness of the model, and a method of assessfitness! to assess the fitness of all individuals in the population and saving the fittest one.

The provided PopulationModel is the trivial implementation of this contract, by being defined as follows:

mutable struct PopulationModel{G, F<:AbstractFitness{>:G}} <: AbstractPopulationModel

Rate Parameters

The abstract type Rate should be used at places for rate parameters, such as tempering factors or mutation rates. An implementation of Rate should be callable on positive Integers, representing the rate at a certain generation.

There are three pre-provided schemes:

LinearRate(initial_rate, final_rate, slope)
ExponentialRate(initial_rate, final_rate, decay)

The first just returns the constant α all the time. Linear and exponential rates start at their initial_rates, and decrease until final_rate.


Genetic Algorithm

The genetic algorithm has the following abstract structure:

while !terminated
  for parents in selections(population)
    for child in crossover(copy.(parents))
      push!(new_population, mutate!(child))
  population = new_population

Because we iterate over the parent selection and crossed-over children, there's some flexibility in how to divide and rebuild a population. To be exact, the strategy for the GA is defined like this:

mutable struct GAStrategy{G, P, K,
                          Fs<:SelectionOperator{>:G, P, K},
                          Fc<:CrossoverOperator{>:G, K, P},
                          Fm<:MutationOperator{>:G}} <: L.LearningStrategy

The type parameters reflect the constraints on number of parents and children:

  • G is the type of genomes,
  • P the ratio of population to families (parent tuples), or equivalently the number of individuals produced by a crossover,
  • K the number of children produced from each selected family and consumed by a crossover operator.

Thus, a SelectionOperator{G, 1, 2} will select two parents for each population member. Similarly, a SelectionOperator{G, 2, 1} will select length(population) ÷ 2 single parents, and GAStrategy{G, 2, 2} as many pairs of parents (the last variant being the one used in most literature, AFAIK).

These selected parents are then passed to a crossover operator of opposite characteristics, producing P children out of the K parents.

This interface allows one to generalize the selection/crossover structure, while ensuring to keep the population size constant (except for rounding errors when the populuation size is not a multiple of P).

A simple GA run might thus look as follows:

initial_population = rand(Individual{Genome}, N)
model = PopulationModel(initial_population, fitness)
strat = strategy(Verbose(GAStrategy(selection, crossover, mutation)),
learn!(model, strat)

For this to work, you need to have some type Genome with copy and rand defined on it, a fitness function of type AbstractFitness, and selection, crossover, and mutation operators of suitable characteristics (with the numbers matching).

Fitness Functions

Evolutionary models in general require a fitness function for assigning quality to the individuals in question. Since Julia functions are not parametrized by their input and output types, an AbstractFitness{G} is required by this package, representing a fitness operator on genomes of type G. Such an operator should be callable on values of G.

The return type should be Float64, since that is what is cached in Individual{G} and can represent any total order anyway. In theory, it is enough to return something that can be compared using less and converted to Float64.

Since in most cases, the fitness will be implemented by a simple function, there is a macro @fitness which will produce a constant of type FitnessFunction{G, F} <: AbstractFitness{G} wrapping that function:

@fitness function fitness(x::Entity)

expands to

const fitness = FitnessFunction{Entity}(function ##fitness#2342(x::Entity)

Selection Operators

Selection operators inherit from the abstract type SelectionOperator{G, P, K}, with the parameters described above.

To define your own selection operator, you need to define a type inheriting from SelectionOperator with the right type parameters. If your operator only works for certain kinds of genomes, or for certain numbers P and K, you should make those constant in the inheriting clause. You then have to implement the actual selection by overloading the function selection with one of the following signatures:

selection(population::Population{G}, operator::YourSelection{G, P, K}) where {G, P, K}
selection(population::Population{G}, operator::YourSelection{G, P, K}, generation::Integer) where {G, P, K}

The second method defaults to the first one and can be used if the generation is used in calculating the selection (e.g. if you use some kind of rate parameter). The selection function should return an iterable of Family{G, K}, which is a K-NTuple of Individual{G} (which is already the type of population).

Usually you can use a custom YourSelectionIterator for this, which implements the actual selection logic, and have selection just set up this iterator. In this way, you can in the iterator focus on one Family at a time, which is easier to think about. As an example, the main parts of TournamentSelection are implemented in such a style:

selection(population::Population{G}, operator::TournamentSelection{G, S, P, K}) where {G, S, P, K} = 
    TournamentSelectionIterator{S, P, K}(population)
function iterate(itr::TournamentSelectionIterator{M, S, P, K}, state = 0) where {M, S, P, K}
    if state  M
        return nothing
        ntuple(i -> maximumby(fitness, randview(itr.population, S)), Val{K}()), state + 1

Note that the ntuple function is used with a Val parameter here. randview is a custom function returning a random view of size S.

If you need to perform some initialization of the operator with the model, you can overload setup!(operator, model); this is, for example, used to access the fittest property of a model in PairWithBestSelection.

Pair-With-Best Selection

PairWithBestSelection{G, P} <: SelectionOperator{G, P, 2}
PairWithBestSelection{G, P}()

Selects length(population) ÷ P 2-tuples of random individuals, paired with the currently best individual (obtained from the PopulationModel through its fittest property).

Fitness-Proportionate Selection

FitnessProportionateSelection{G, P, K, F} <: SelectionOperator{G, P, K}

Selects random K-tuples from the population, according to a categorical distribution over individuals given by t(fitness.(population)), where t(fs) = transform(fs, temperature(generation)). transform needs to be a function turning a vector of arbitrary fitness values into a discrete probability distribution, with temperature as a second parameter.

There are two pre-provided transforms with factory constructors:

SoftmaxSelection{G, P, K}(rate = 1.0)
L1Selection{G, P, K}()

which use the softmax function with temperature, and rescaling by its sum (taking care of ties and negative values).

TournamentSelection{G, S, P, K} <: SelectionOperator{G, P, K}

Selects K times the best of S randomly chosen individuals.

Crossover Operators

Crossover operators inherit from the abstract type CrossoverOperator{G, K, P}, with the parameters described above: the operator consumes K individuals and procudes P new ones.

To define your own crossover operator, you need to define a type inheriting from CrossoverOperator with the right type parameters. If your operator only works for certain kinds of genomes, or for certain numbers P and K, you should make those constant in the inheriting clause. You then have to implement the actual crossover function by overloading crossover with one of the following signatures:

crossover!(parents::NTuple{K, G}, operator::YourCrossover{G, K, P}, generation::Integer)

which should return an NTuple{P, G}. This function is automatically lifted to Family{K, G}, so you don’t have to care about lifting Individuals.

If you need to perform some initialization of the operator with the model, you can overload setup!(operator, model).

Arithmetic Crossover

The operators

ArithmeticCrossover{G, K, P}(rate::Rate)

will produce, with probability rate, produce cross-wise convex combinations between the parents, using an arbitrary mixing coefficient. Currently, only K == P == 2 is supported; this means that the mixed result will be

((1 - mixing) .* parents[1] .+ mixing .* parents[2], (1 - mixing) .* parents[2] .+ mixing .* parents[1])

G must be a subtype of AbstractVector with elements supporting the necessary arithmetic.

Uniform Crossover

The operators

UniformCrossover{G, K, P}(p::Rate = 0.5)

for an AbstractVector G will independently choose each child element among all parent elements at the same index, depending on a Bernoulli choice with parameter p. Currently, the variants UniformCrossover{G, 2, 1} and UniformCrossover{G, 2, 2} are supported.


If your genome type is a wrapper G about an "inner genome" IG, e.g. an array, you can reuse existing crossover operators by using

const YourCrossover = LiftedCrossover{G, SomeOperator{IG, K, P}}

and manually defining the lifted function like

function crossover!((p₁, p₂)::NTuple{2, G}, operator::YourCrossover, generation::Integer)
    G.(crossover!((p₁.inner_genome, p₂.inner_genome), operator.inner, generation))

where inner_genome is the field you actually want the mutation to happen on.

Mutation Operators

Mutation operators inherit from the abstract type MutationOperator{G}, where G is the type of genome that is mutated. Every operator implementation consists of a subtype of MutationOperator, possibly with a specialization of the genome type, and a method

mutate!(genome::Genome, operator::YourMutation{Genome}, generation::Integer)

(possibly parametric in Genome, depending on what kinds of things are supported). This method should execute the mutation in-place on the genome and return it (copying is done independently before, by the strategy).

Mutation operators will likely involve Rate parameters, which should be called depending on generation. The implementation is automatically lifted to

mutate!(individual::Individual{Genome}, operator::YourMutation{Genome}, generation::Integer)

so you don't need to care about updating fitness and the like.

If you need to perform some initialization of the operator with the model, you can overload setup!(operator, model).

Trivial mutation

In case you want to leave out mutation completely, there is NoMutation <: MutationOperator{Any} which just returns the genome as-is.

Pointwise mutation

The operators

PointwiseMutation{G}(rate::Rate, tweak::Distribution)

for G<:AbstractVector will independently with probability rate replace element of an array independently by a sample from tweak.

Additive mutation/"convolution"

The operators

AdditiveMutation{G}(rate::Rate, tweak::Distribution, min, max)

for G<:AbstractVector will independently with probability rate modify each element of an array by adding a sample of tweak, which must be a distribution with zero mean.

There are convenience constructors

AdditiveMutation{G, Uniform}(rate, r, min, max)
AdditiveMutation{G, Normal}(rate, σ, min, max)
AdditiveMutation{G, DiscreteUniform}(rate, r, min, max)

for specific distributions, which allow you to specify their scale parameters directly.

This operator generalizes what is called "bounded uniform" and "Gaussian convolution" in Luke (2013).

Bitflip mutation

The operator


for AbstractVector{Bool} will independently with probability rate replace element of an array independently its negation.


If your genome type is a wrapper G about an "inner genome" IG, e.g. an array, you can reuse existing mutation operators by using

const YourMutation = LiftedMutation{G, SomeOperator{IG})

and manually defining the lifted mutation like

function mutate!(genome::G, operator::YourMutation, generation::Integer)
    mutate!(genome.inner_genome, operator.inner, generation)

where inner_genome is the field you actually want the mutation to happen on.


Most useful is Luke (2013), as it contains a very consistent, detailed, but clear overview of very many common algorithms, strategies, and operators. Most of my implementations are quite literally taken from there.

  • R. Poli, W. B. Langdon, N. F. McPhee, and J. R. Koza, A field guide to genetic programming. Morrisville: Lulu Press, 2008.
  • S. Luke, Essentials of metaheuristics: a set of undergraduate lecture notes, Second edition, Online version 2.0. Morrisville: Lulu Press, 2013.
  • H.-G. Beyer, “Evolution strategies,” Scholarpedia, vol. 2, no. 8, p. 1965, Aug. 2007.
  • D. Dasgupta and Z. Michalewicz, Eds., Evolutionary Algorithms in Engineering Applications. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1997.
  • I. Rechenberg, “Evolutionsprozesse,” in Simulationsmethoden in der Medizin und Biologie, B. Schneider and U. Ranft, Eds. Berlin: Springer, 1978, pp. 83--114.
  • J. H. Holland, “Genetic algorithms,” Scholarpedia, vol. 7, no. 12, p. 1482, Dec. 2012.
  • D. J. Montana, “Strongly typed genetic programming,” Evolutionary computation, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 199–230, 1995.