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PhlyPaste - ZF2 Pastebin Module

This is a module implementing a ZF2 pastebin.


  • Normal pastebin features: syntax highlighting by language, short URLs, ability to mark pastes as "private" (meaning they do not show up in listings).

  • Ability to specify "markdown" as the language; this will pass the paste through the markdown parser to generate markup.

  • Ability to specify "sections" of code, and thus paste multiple "files" in the same paste. Any line starting with "##" signifies a section. The section will contain any text following "##" as the title:


    This is the first section.


    This is the second section.

    Additionally, if you place a language name in brackets, that language will be used for syntax highlighting for that section:

    test.js [javascript]

    { "text": "highlighted as javascript" }

    test.php [php]

    echo "This is highlighted as PHP";

    Developers familiar with will find the above syntax familiar.

  • An API for listing pastes, retrieving individual paste details, and submitting pastes. The paste retrieval portion of the API does not require authorization, but submitting a paste requires an authorization token. (See the section titled "API" below for details.


Install via composer:

    "minimum-stability": "dev",
    "repositories": [
            "type": "composer",
            "url": ""
    "require": {
        "phly/phly-paste": "dev-master"

To allow Markdown as a type of markup, you'll also need to install EdpMarkdown. This can be done with the following:

cd vendor
git clone --recursive git://

Next, add EdpMarkdown to your modules array in config/application.config.php.

Mongo Usage

To use Mongo as a backend, you will need to do several things.

First, add "phly/phly-mongo" as a composer.json requirement:

    "minimum-stability": "dev"
    "require": {
        "phly/phly-paste": "dev-master",
        "phly/phly-mongo": "dev-master"

After running php composer.phar update, you'll also need to configure your application to use Mongo. One easy way to do this is in your site's primary module (usually "Application"):

namespace Application;

use PhlyMongo\MongoDbFactory;
use PhlyMongo\MongoCollectionFactory;
use PhlyPaste\MongoPasteService;

class Module
    public function getServiceConfig()
        return array('factories' => array(
           'Paste\Mongo'           => 'PhlyMongo\MongoConnectionFactory',
           'Paste\MongoDb'         => new MongoDbFactory('site', 'Paste\Mongo'),
           'Paste\MongoCollection' => new MongoCollectionFactory('pastes', 'Paste\MongoDb'),
           'PhlyPaste\MongoService' => function ($services) {
               $collection = $services->get('Paste\MongoCollection');
               return new MongoPasteService($collection);

Alternately, you can simply configure a service returning a MongoCollection, and pass that to the MongoPasteService constructor.

Make sure to create indices on each of the "hash" and "timestamp" fields:

// Create a unique index on the "hash" field
$collection->ensureIndex(array('hash' => 1), array('unique' => true));

// Create an index on "timestamp" descending
$collection->ensureIndex(array('timestamp' => -1));

You can do the above in your factory, if desired.

Zend\Db\TableGateway Usage

Currently, only SQLite is supported. To set up your database, do the following from your application root:

sqlite data/paste.db < vendor/phly/phly-paste/config/schema.sqlite.sql

Make sure the data/paste.db file is writeable by your webserver.

Then create the following configuration in your config/autoload/global.php file (or some other autoloadable configuration file in that directory):

return array(
    'db' => array(
        'driver' => 'Pdo',
        'dsn'    => 'sqlite:' . getcwd() . '/data/paste.db',
    'service_manager' => array(
        'aliases' => array(
            'PhlyPaste\PasteService' => 'PhlyPaste\TableGatewayService',
        'factories' => array(
            'Zend\Db\Adapter\Adapter' => 'Zend\Db\Adapter\AdapterServiceFactory',

Once this is in place, you should be able to create and lists pastes.


By default, the "Dumb" CAPTCHA adapter is used. You can setup an alternate one by providing either global or local configuration under the "phly_paste" key's "captcha" subkey. Configuration is consistent with Zend\Captcha\Factory:

return array(
    'phly_paste' => array(
        'captcha' => array(
            'class' => 'CaptchaClassName',
            'options' => array(/* array of adapter-specific options */),

You can disable CAPTCHA for authenticated users. To do this, you need to define an alias named PhlyPaste\AuthService that points to a service returning a Zend\Authentication\AuthenticationService instance. Once enabled, CAPTCHAs will no longer be displayed for currently authenticated users.


An API is also enabled for this module. By default, it goes to the route described by the path '/paste/api/paste'. The API is JSON only, and expects that the Accept header matches against the media type 'application/hal+json' (it also allows 'application/json', but 'application/hal+json' will always be returned).

The following operations are available:

GET /paste/api/paste[?page=X]

Retrieves a single page of a list of pastes. The payload looks like the following:

HTTP/1.0 200 Ok
Content-Type: application/json

    "_links": {
        "canonical": {"rel": "canonical", "href": "http://pages.local/paste"},
        "self": {"rel": "self", "href": "http://pages.local/paste/api/paste"},
        "first": {"rel": "first", "href": "http://pages.local/paste/api/paste"},
        "last": {"rel": "last", "href": "http://pages.local/paste/api/paste?page=X"},
        "next": {"rel": "next", "href": "http://pages.local/paste/api/paste?page=2"}
    "items": [
            {"rel": "canonical", "href": "http://pages.local/paste/XYZ"},
            {"rel": "item", "href": "http://pages.local/paste/api/paste/XYZ"}
        /* ... */

GET /paste/api/paste/XYZ12ABC

Fetches information on a single paste. The payload looks like the following:

HTTP/1.0 200 Ok
Content-Type: application/json

    "_links": {
        "canonical": {"rel": "canonical", "href": "http://pages.local/paste/XYZ12ABC"},
        "self": {"rel": "self", "href": "http://pages.local/paste/api/paste/XYZ12ABC"},
        "up": {"rel": "up", "href": "http://pages.local/paste/api/paste"}
    "title": "...",
    "language": "...",
    "timestamp": "...",

POST /paste/api/paste

Expects a JSON body, like the following:

Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
X-PhlyPaste-Token: yourtoken

    "language": "txt",
    "private": "false",
    "content": "This is the paste content..."

You will get the following response payload:

HTTP/1.0 201 Created
Location: http://paste.local/paste/XYZ12ABC
Content-Type: application/json

    "_links": {
        "canonical": {"rel": "canonical", "href": "http://pages.local/paste/XYZ12ABC"},
        "self": {"rel": "self", "href": "http://pages.local/paste/api/paste/XYZ12ABC"}

Authorization Tokens for Submitting Pastes

As you may have noticed in the previous example, the POST operation requires an "X-PhlyPaste-Token" header. Tokens are verified against the PhlyPaste\TokenService service, which is simply a PhlyPaste\Model\TokenServiceInterface implementation. By default, a single implementation is provided, PhlyPaste\Model\ArrayTokenService. This implementation expects that the configuration includes tokens:

return array(
    'phly_paste' => array(
        'tokens' => array(

If you use this approach, make sure that tokens are defined in .local.php files that are stored outside your repository.

Alternately, you may create your own implementation of the TokenServiceInterface that can be used to verify tokens.


Pastebin module for ZF2 applications






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