This component based on PHP International (php-intl) extension so php-intl extension must be installed on your web server.
known as:
- Hijri Shamsi
- Jalali Date
- JDatetime
- هجری شمسی
- تقویم خورشیدی
- تاریخ شمسی
- On windows servers, open your php.ini (which should be in Program Files/PHP), and simply uncomment the extension.
- Debian based Linux (Debian/Ubuntu/Mint/ ...)
sudo apt-get install php-intl
- Redhat based Linux (Redhat/Centos/ ...)
sudo yum -y install php-intl
Restart your webserver - done.
composer require php-monsters/laravel-jalali-date
Add Zaman to app aliases in config/app.php file
// aliases
'Zaman' => PhpMonsters\Zaman\Facades\Zaman::class,
// Jalali to Gregraian samples
echo Zaman::jTog('next week');
echo Zaman::jTog('now');
echo Zaman::jTog('1396-06-30 05:30:10');
echo Zaman::jTog ('۱۳۹۱/۱۰/۱۲ ۲۰:۳۰:۵۵', 'yyyy/MM/dd H:m:s', 'fa', 'en', 'Asia/Tehran');
// Gregorian to Jalali samples
echo Zaman::gToj('2 days ago');
echo Zaman::gToj('2010-10-24 22:50:14');
echo Zaman::gToj('2014-09-21 07:12:54', 'EEEE yyyy/MMMM/dd H:m:s');
// Moment samples
echo Zaman::moment(strtotime('3 hours ago')); // "3 ساعت قبل"
echo Zaman::moment(strtotime('2017-01-02 00:10:20')); // "2 هفته قبل"
echo Zaman::momentEn(1494328806); // "May 2017"
echo Zaman::momentEn(1494334506); // "last month"
// Blade usage example
{{ Zaman::gToj('2011-11-20 19:12:19') }}
Supported Formats Documentation
This component is developed by the following person(s) and a bunch of awesome contributors.
Aboozar Ghaffari |
Please support the package by giving it ⭐ and contributing to its development.
The Laravel Jalali Datetime is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license