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The Fun component brings functional programming into PHP.


use Psl;
use Psl\Fun;

$admin = Fun\when(
  static fn(User $user): bool => $user->isAdmin(),
  static fn(User $user): User => $user->withRole(Role::Admin)



  • [@template T php]
    [@pure php]
    [Fun\identity(): (Closure(T): T) php]

    Create a closure that returns the value passed to it as an argument.

    use Psl;
    use Psl\Fun;
    use Psl\Collection;
    $vector = Collection\Vector::fromArray([1, 2, 3]);
    $id = Fun\identity();
    $vector2 = $id($vector);
    Psl\invariant($vector === $vector2, '$vector and $vector2 are the same');
  • [@template I php]
    [@template O php]
    [@template R php]
    [@pure php]
    [Fun\after((Closure(I): O) $first, (Closure(O): R) $next): (Closure(I): R) php]

    Returns a closure that calls the next functions with the result of the first one.

    use Psl;
    use Psl\Fun;
    $calculate = Fun\after(
      static fn(int $a): int => $a + 2,
      static fn(int $c): int => $c * 2
    Psl\invariant($calculate(1) === 6, 'Result is 6');
    Psl\invariant($calculate(2) === 8, 'Result is 8');
  • [@template T php]
    [@pure php]
    [Fun\lazy((Closure(): T) $initializer): (Closure(): T) php]

    Returns a closure that can be used for lazy evaluation.

    use Psl;
    use Psl\IO;
    use Psl\Fun;
    $lazy = Fun\lazy(static function(): int {
      return 1;
    Psl\invariant($lazy() === 1, 'Result is 1');
    Psl\invariant($lazy() === 1, 'Result is 1');
    // Output:
    // evaluated.

    This function can also be used to create lazy streams.

    use Psl;
    use Psl\Dict;
    use Psl\Fun;
    $stream = Fun\lazy(static function(): iterable {
      $i = 0;
      while (true) {
          yield ++$i;
    $a = Dict\take($stream(), 10); // [1...10]
    $b = Dict\take($stream(), 20); // [11...30]
  • [@template T php]
    [@pure php]
    [Fun\pipe((Closure(T): T) ...$stages): (Closure(): T) php]

    Performs left-to-right function composition.

    use Psl;
    use Psl\Fun;
    $add = static fn(int $a): int => $a + 5;
    $mul = static fn(int $a): int => $a * 3;
    $div = static fn(int $a): int => $a / 2;
    $pipe = Fun\pipe($add, $mul, $div);
    Psl\invariant($pipe(1) === 9, 'Result is 9');
  • [@pure php]
    [Fun\rethrow(): (Closure(Exception): never) php]

    Returns a closure that rethrows the exception passed to it.

    use Psl;
    use Psl\Fun;
    $rethrow = Fun\rethrow();
    try {
      $rethrow(new Exception('foo'));
    } catch (Exception $e) {
      Psl\invariant($e->getMessage() === 'foo', 'Exception message is "foo"');
    use Psl;
    use Psl\Fun;
    use Psl\Async;
    $awaitable = Async\run(static fn() => throw new Exception('foo'))
      ->then(Fun\identity(), Fun\rethrow());
    try {
    } catch (Exception $e) {
      Psl\invariant($e->getMessage() === 'foo', 'Exception message is "foo"');
  • [@template T php]
    [@pure php]
    [Fun\tap((Closure(T): void) $callback): (Closure(T): T) php]

    Returns a closure that calls the callback with the value passed to it and returns the value.

    use Psl;
    use Psl\Fun;
    $tap = Fun\tap(static fn(string $a) => IO\write_line($a));
    Psl\invariant($tap('hello') === 'hello', 'Result is "hello"');
    // Output:
    // hello
  • [@template Ti php]
    [@template To php]
    [@pure php]
    [Fun\when((Closure(Ti): bool) $condition, (Closure(Ti): To) $then, (Closure(Ti): To) $else): (Closure(Ti): To) php]

    Returns a closure that returns the result of the [$then php] function if the condition is true, otherwise the result of the [$else php] function.

    use Psl;
    use Psl\Fun;
    $when = Fun\when(
      static fn(int $a): bool => $a > 0,
      static fn(int $a): int => $a * 2,
      static fn(int $a): int => $a * 3
    Psl\invariant($when(1) === 2, 'Result is 2');
    Psl\invariant($when(-1) === -3, 'Result is -3');