The Iter component provides a set of functions that facilitate working with iterators.
use Psl\Iter;
$iterator = Iter\to_iterator([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
$result = Iter\reduce($iterator, static fn(int $carry, int $item) => $carry + $item, 0);
// $result === 15
@template T
[Iter\all(iterable<T> $iterable, (Closure(T): bool) $predicate): bool
php]Returns true if all values in the iterable satisfy the predicate.
This function is short-circuiting, i.e. if the predicate fails for one element the remaining elements will not be considered anymore.
- [
php]: The iterable to test. - [
php]: The predicate to test each item against.
use Psl\Iter; $result = Iter\all([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], static fn(int $item) => $item > 0); // $result === true $result = Iter\all([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], static fn(int $item) => $item > 4); // $result === false $result = Iter\all([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], static fn(int $item) => $item > 5); // $result === false
- [
@template T
[Iter\any(iterable<T> $iterable, (Closure(T): bool) $predicate): bool
php]Returns true if any value in the iterable satisfies the predicate.
This function is short-circuiting, i.e. if the predicate matches for one element the remaining elements will not be considered anymore.
- [
php]: The iterable to test. - [
php]: The predicate to test each item against.
use Psl\Iter; $result = Iter\any([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], static fn(int $item) => $item > 0); // $result === true $result = Iter\any([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], static fn(int $item) => $item > 4); // $result === true $result = Iter\any([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], static fn(int $item) => $item > 5); // $result === false
- [
@template T
[Iter\apply(iterable<T> $iterable, (Closure(T): void) $function): void
php]Applies [
php] to all values of the given [$iterable
php].- [
php]: The iterable to apply the function to. - [
php]: The function to apply to each element.
use Psl\Iter; Iter\apply( $records, static fn($record) => $record->save(), );
- [
@template T
[Iter\contains(iterable<T> $iterable, T $value): bool
php]Returns true if the given iterable contains the value. Strict equality is used.
- [
php]: The iterable to test. - [
php]: The value to test.
use Psl\Iter; $result = Iter\contains([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 3); // $result === true $result = Iter\contains([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 6); // $result === false $result = Iter\contains([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], '3'); // $result === false
- [
@template Tk
[@template Tv
[Iter\contains_key(iterable<Tk, Tv> $iterable, Tk $key): bool
php]Returns true if the given iterable contains the key. Strict equality is used.
- [
php]: The iterable to test. - [
php]: The key to test.
use Psl\Iter; $result = Iter\contains_key([1 => 'a', 2 => 'b', 3 => 'c'], 2); // $result === true $result = Iter\contains_key([1 => 'a', 2 => 'b', 3 => 'c'], 4); // $result === false $result = Iter\contains_key([1 => 'a', 2 => 'b', 3 => 'c'], '2'); // $result === false
- [
@template T
[Iter\count(iterable<T> $iterable): int
php]Returns the number of elements an iterable contains.
This function is not recursive, it counts only the number of elements in the iterable itself, not its children.
If the iterable implements [
php] its [Countable::count()
php] method will be used.- [
php]: The iterable to count.
use Psl\Iter; use ArrayIterator; $result = Iter\count([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]); // $result === 5 $result = Iter\count([]); // $result === 0 $result = Iter\count([ new ArrayIterator([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]), new ArrayIterator([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]), ]); // $result === 2
- [
@template T
[Iter\first(iterable<T> $iterable): ?T
php]Returns the first element of an iterable, if the iterable is empty, null will be returned.
- [
php]: The iterable to get the first element from.
use Psl\Iter; $result = Iter\first([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]); // $result === 1 $result = Iter\first([]); // $result === null
- [
@template Tk
[@template Tv
[Iter\first_key(iterable<Tk, Tv> $iterable): ?Tk
php]Returns the first key of an iterable, if the iterable is empty, null will be returned.
- [
php]: The iterable to get the first key from.
use Psl\Iter; $result = Iter\first_key([1 => 'a', 2 => 'b', 3 => 'c']); // $result === 1 $result = Iter\first_key([]); // $result === null
- [
@template T
[Iter\last(iterable<T> $iterable): ?T
php]Returns the last element of an iterable, if the iterable is empty, null will be returned.
- [
php]: The iterable to get the last element from.
use Psl\Iter; $result = Iter\last([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]); // $result === 5 $result = Iter\last([]); // $result === null
- [
@template Tk
[@template Tv
[Iter\last_key(iterable<Tk, Tv> $iterable): ?Tk
php]Returns the last key of an iterable, if the iterable is empty, null will be returned.
- [
php]: The iterable to get the last key from.
use Psl\Iter; $result = Iter\last_key([1 => 'a', 2 => 'b', 3 => 'c']); // $result === 3 $result = Iter\last_key([]); // $result === null
- [
@template T
[Iter\is_empty(iterable<T> $iterable): bool
php]Returns true if the given iterable is empty.
- [
php]: The iterable to test.
This function asserts that $iterable is empty if true is returned.
use Psl\Iter; $result = Iter\is_empty([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]); // $result === false $result = Iter\is_empty([]); // $result === true
- [
@template T
[Iter\random(iterable<T> $iterable): T
php]Retrieve a random value from a non-empty iterable.
- [
php]: The iterable to get the random element from.
If the iterable is empty,
will be thrown.use Psl\Iter; $result = Iter\random([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]); // $result === 1 $result = Iter\random([]); // $result === null
- [
@template T
[@template Ts
[Iter\reduce(iterable<T> $iterable, (Closure(Ts, T): Ts) $function, Ts $initial): Ts
php]Reduces an iterable to a single value.
The reduction function is passed an accumulator value and the current iterator value and returns a new accumulator.
The accumulator is initialized to $initial.- [
php]: The iterable to reduce. - [
php]: The function to apply to each element. - [
php]: The initial value.
use Psl\Iter; $result = Iter\reduce( [1, 2, 3, 4], static fn(int $carry, int $item): int => $carry + $item, 0 ); // $result === 10
- [
@template Tk
[@template Tv
[@template Ts
[Iter\reduce_keys(iterable<Tk, Tv> $iterable, (Closure(Ts, Tk): Ts) $function, Ts $initial): Ts
php]Reduces an iterable to a single value.
The reduction function is passed an accumulator value and the current iterator key and returns a new accumulator.
The accumulator is initialized to $initial.- [
php]: The iterable to reduce. - [
php]: The function to apply to each key. - [
php]: The initial value.
use Psl\Iter; $result = Iter\reduce_keys( [1 => 'a', 2 => 'b', 3 => 'c'], static fn(int $carry, int $item): int => $carry + $item, 0 ); // $result === 6
- [
@template Tk
[@template Tv
[@template Ts
[Iter\reduce_with_keys(iterable<Tk, Tv> $iterable, (Closure(Ts, Tk, Tv): Ts) $function, Ts $initial): Ts
php]Reduces an iterable to a single value.
The reduction function is passed an accumulator value and the current iterator key and value and returns a new accumulator.
The accumulator is initialized to $initial.- [
php]: The iterable to reduce. - [
php]: The function to apply to each key. - [
php]: The initial value.
use Psl\Iter; use Psl\Str; $result = Iter\reduce_with_keys( [1 => 'hello', 2 => 'world'], static fn(int $carry, int $key, string $value): int => $carry + $key + Str\length($value), 0 ); // $result === 13
- [
@template T
[Iter\search(iterable<T> $iterable, (Closure(T): bool) $predicate): ?int
php]Searches an iterable until a predicate returns true, then returns the value of the matching element.
- [
php]: The iterable to search. - [
php]: The predicate to apply to each element.
use Psl\Iter; $azjezz = Iter\search($users, static fn(User $user): bool => $user->username === 'azjezz'); if (null !== $azjezz) { // $azjezz is the user with username 'azjezz' }
- [
@template Tk
[@template Tv
[Iter\rewindable(Generator<Tk, Tv> $generator): Iter\Iterator<Tk, Tv>
php]Create a rewindable iterator from the given generator without exhausting the generator immediately.
- [
php]: The generator to create a rewindable iterator from.
use Psl\Iter; use Psl\IO; $factory = static function(): Generator { IO\write_line('factory: start'); yield 1; yield 2; yield 3; IO\write_line('factory: end'); }; $generator = $factory(); $iterator = Iter\rewindable($generator); // $iterator is Iter\Iterator<int, int> IO\write_line('iterator: start'); foreach ($iterator as $key => $value) { IO\write_line("$key => $value"); } IO\write_line('iterator: rewind'); foreach ($iterator as $key => $value) { IO\write_line("$key => $value"); } IO\write_line('iterator: end'); // output: // iterator: start // factory: start // 1 => 1 // 2 => 2 // 3 => 3 // factory: end // iterator: rewind // 1 => 1 // 2 => 2 // 3 => 3 // iterator: end
- [
@template Tk
[@template Tv
[Iter\to_iterator(iterable<Tk, Tv> $iterable): Iter\Iterator<Tk, Tv>
php]Copy the iterable into an [
php].- [
php]: The iterable to create an iterator from.
use Psl\Iter; $iterator = Iter\to_iterator([1, 2, 3, 4]); // $iterator is Iter\Iterator<int, int> foreach ($iterator as $key => $value) { // $key => $value }
- [
final class Iter\Iterator<Tk, Tv> extends Countable, SeekableIterator<Tk, Tv>
php]The [
php] class is a lazy, seekable, rewindable iterator.-
@template Tsk
[@template Tsv
[static Iter\Iterator::from((Closure(): iterable<Tsk, Tsv>) $factory): Iter\Iterator<Tsk, Tsv>
php]Create an iterator from a factory.
- [
php]: The factory to create the iterator from.
use Psl\Iter; $iterator = Iter\Iterator::from(static function(): iterable { yield 1 => 10; yield 2 => 20; yield 3 => 30; }); // $iterator is Iter\Iterator<int, int>
- [
@template Tsk
[@template Tsv
[static Iter\Iterator::create(iterable $iterable): Iter\Iterator<Tsk, Tsv>
php]Create an iterator from an iterable.
- [
php]: The iterable to create the iterator from.
use Psl\Iter; $iterator = Iter\Iterator::create([1, 2, 3, 4]); // $iterator is Iter\Iterator<int, int>
- [
Iter\Iterator::__construct(Generator<Tk, Tv, _, _> $generator)
php]Instantiate an iterator from a generator.
- [
php]: The generator to create the iterator from.
use Psl\Iter; $factory = static function(): Generator { yield 1 => 10; yield 2 => 20; yield 3 => 30; }; $generator = $factory(); $iterator = new Iter\Iterator($generator); // $iterator is Iter\Iterator<int, int>
- [
Iter\Iterator::current(): Tv
php]Return the current element.
use Psl\Iter; $iterator = Iter\Iterator::from(static function(): iterable { yield 1 => 10; yield 2 => 20; yield 3 => 30; }); $value = $iterator->current(); // $value === 10
Iter\Iterator::key(): Tk
php]Return the key of the current element.
use Psl\Iter; $iterator = Iter\Iterator::from(static function(): iterable { yield 1 => 10; yield 2 => 20; yield 3 => 30; }); $key = $iterator->key(); // $key === 1
Iter\Iterator::next(): void
php]Move forward to the next element.
use Psl\Iter; $iterator = Iter\Iterator::from(static function(): iterable { yield 1 => 10; yield 2 => 20; yield 3 => 30; }); $iterator->next(); $value = $iterator->current(); // $value === 20
Iter\Iterator::valid(): bool
php]Checks if current position is valid.
use Psl\Iter; $iterator = Iter\Iterator::from(static function(): iterable { yield 1 => 10; yield 2 => 20; yield 3 => 30; }); $valid = $iterator->valid(); // $valid === true $iterator->next(); $iterator->next(); $iterator->next(); $valid = $iterator->valid(); // $valid === false
Iter\Iterator::seek(int<0, max> $position): void
php]Seek to the given position.
- [
php]: The position to seek to.
If [
php] is out-of-bounds, [Psl\Exception\InvariantViolationException
php] is thrown.use Psl\Iter; $iterator = Iter\Iterator::from(static function(): iterable { yield 1 => 10; yield 2 => 20; yield 3 => 30; }); $iterator->seek(1); $value = $iterator->current(); // $value === 20
- [
Iter\Iterator::rewind(): void
php]Rewind the iterator to the first element.
use Psl\Iter; $iterator = Iter\Iterator::from(static function(): iterable { yield 1 => 10; yield 2 => 20; yield 3 => 30; }); $iterator->next(); $iterator->next(); $iterator->rewind(); $value = $iterator->current(); // $value === 10
Iter\Iterator::count(): int
php]Return the number of elements.
use Psl\Iter; $iterator = Iter\Iterator::from(static function(): iterable { yield 1 => 10; yield 2 => 20; yield 3 => 30; }); $count = $iterator->count(); // $count === 3