A clojure wrapper for usearch, a fast open-source search & clustering engine for vectors.
com.phronemophobic/usearch-clj {:mvn/version "1.0"}
;; native deps
com.phronemophobic.cljonda/usearch-c-linux-x86-64 {:mvn/version "ce54b814a8a10f4c0c32fee7aad9451231b63f75"}
com.phronemophobic.cljonda/usearch-c-darwin-aarch64 {:mvn/version "ce54b814a8a10f4c0c32fee7aad9451231b63f75"}
com.phronemophobic.cljonda/usearch-c-darwin-x86-64 {:mvn/version "ce54b814a8a10f4c0c32fee7aad9451231b63f75"}
Examples can be found in the examples directory.
(ns simple
(:require [com.phronemophobic.usearch :as usearch])
(:import java.util.Random))
(def random (Random. 42))
(defn rand-vec [dim]
(map (fn [_]
(.nextFloat random)))
(range dim))))
(def dim 512)
;; Generate 100 sample vectors
;; integer keys -> vector.
(def vecs
(into {}
(map (fn [i]
[i (rand-vec dim)]))
(range 100)))
(def index
(usearch/init {:dimensions dim
:quantization :quantization/f32}
;; vectors to load
(count index)
;; 100
;; Can check for the presence of keys
(every? #(contains? index %)
(keys vecs))
;; true
;; need to reserve more space before adding more vecs
(usearch/reserve index
(+ (usearch/capacity index)
(usearch/add index 101 (rand-vec dim))
(count index)
;; 101
;; get closest match
(usearch/search index
(float-array (range dim)))
;; returns [key, distance]
;; [16 -71872.88]
;; lookup vector for 16
(get index 16)
;; #object["[F" 0x4297c486 "[F@4297c486"]
;; get 10 closest matches
(usearch/search index
(float-array (range dim))
;; [[16 -71872.88] [10 -70801.016] [37 -70298.38] [49 -69604.12] [55 -69434.65] [78 -69195.81] [59 -69186.44] [28 -69116.14] [9 -68563.03] [24 -68498.59]]
;; Save index to disk
(usearch/save index "simple.usearch")
;; Load index from disk
(def index-from-disk
(usearch/init {:dimensions dim
:quantization :quantization/f32}))
(usearch/load index-from-disk "simple.usearch")
(count index-from-disk)
;; 101
Warning! usearch.clj is not thread safe and may crash the JVM if used from multiple threads concurrently.
For a conceptual overview, see Semantic Image Search with Clojure with example code at https://github.com/phronmophobic/clip.clj/tree/main/examples/wikiart.
Also used by Cloogle doc search.
Copyright 2024 Adrian Smith. Licensed under Apache License v2.0.