Create a complete responsive online ecommerce website design for beginers using html css and vanilla javascript step by step.
The main feature of this website are:
✔ Responsive sticky triple header / navbar with toggle menu bar effect.
✔ Responsive shopping cart box.
✔ Responsive home with touch slider effect using swipper.js
✔ Responsive banner card section using flexbox.
✔ Responsive category card section using flexbox.
✔ Responsive product card section using flexbox.
✔ Responsive deal section with count down effect using flexbox.
✔ Responsive and animated contact form section using flexbox.
✔ Responsive footer section using flexbox.
Resource: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQbgfxff06s
Key: #Ecommerce-Website, #Plant-shop, #FrontEnd