列出所有 table
列出 table schema
.schema {table_name}
建立 Table
CREATE TABLE "shopping_cart_contact" ( "user_id" integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY REFERENCES "email_auth_user" ("id"), "name" varchar(30) NOT NULL, "dorm" smallint unsigned NOT NULL, "room" varchar(3) NOT NULL, "phone" varchar(15) NOT NULL );
SELECT * from {{table-name}};
SELECT id, "text" from {{table-name}};
SELECT DISTINCT id from {{table-name}};
INSERT INTO {{table-name}} ({{field}}, {{fields}}) VALUES ({{value}}, {{values}});
從別的 Table 中取值來插入
INSERT INTO {{table-name}} SELECT * from {{other-table}};
UPDATE {{table-name}} SET {{col}}={{value}}, {{col2}}={{value2}}, ... WHERE {{condition}};
刪除一些 row
DELETE FROM {{table-name}} WHERE {{condition}};
重新命名 Table
ALTER TABLE {{old-name}} RENAME TO {{new-name}};
刪除 Table
DROP TABLE {{table-name}};
增加 Column
ALTER TABLE {{table-name}} ADD COLUMN {{col}} {{type}};
sqlite 並不提供重新命名 column 的功能,不過可以重建 table 來達成
.schema BEGIN TRANSACTION; ALTER TABLE {{origin-table}} RENAME TO tmp_{{origin-table}};
記得在重建時把 column 改名
CREATE TABLE {{origin-table}} ...; INSERT INTO {{origin-table}} (col_a, col_b) SELECT (col_a, origin_col_b) FROM tmp_{{origin-table}}; COMMIT;