Nodes can now be deleted -- double tap to open the node info box and click 'Delete'.
Also fixes graph deletion bug where graphs would afterward be created with improper graph numbers.
Graphs can now be deleted -- drag to the left to reveal red delete button.
Tappable areas on graph selection screen are now larger. UI slightly less choppy.
Graphs (nodes and edges) are now persisted across app closures.
We can create and edit multiple graphs.
Also, nodes now display their numbers.
Double-click a node to see the information it contains.
Node commit coloring has been improved -- the ball increases in color and opacity as we drag.
To add a new node, drag the node away from its starting point until it becomes completely opaque and then let go. You now have a new node! (If you don't drag far off, the node will snap back!)
To add an edge, click a node (turning it red) and then click another node. An edge will be created.
To remove an edge, click a node (turning it red) and then click a node with which it already has a connection. The edge will be removed.
- 'enabling or disabling nodes' functionality has been removed until further iterations.
- be sure to use the app with sound on! ;-)
A node can be enabled (red: showing edges and available to receive new edges) or disabled (gray: hiding edges and not available to receive new edges).
New edges can be created in editing mode.
Double tap any node (enabled or disabled), turning it green. Then single tap any other enabled (ie red) node. An edge will be drawn between the green and red nodes!
- double tapping a node also automatically re-enables it, showing its edges etc.
- when in editing mode, single tapping a disabled node has no effect (disabled nodes cannot receive new edges)
Double tap to enable or disable a node.
Every enabled node connects to (shares edge with) every other enabled node. A disabled node connects to no nodes.
Add or remove nodes via simple buttons.
Every ball can be moved around and have arbitrary connections with other balls.
Black ball moves around, bounces back to original position. Other balls will stay where dragged.