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191 lines (167 loc) · 9.82 KB


A chronopost Soap Api connector for create Sky bill PDF


  • Download or clone these repository and use composer :

composer install

  • Then launch a local server on public directory

php -S localhost:8000

  • [ Do not forget to made RW public/pdf/ for generate pdf in the index.php exemple ]


This class implement a client soap server from the native php soap server class. The wsdl is configured and embeded in a constant in the Chrono\Soap class. All the others parameters ara configured externaly in an array.

Exemple of how to lauch the soap server and get results or catch exceptions

See index.php for simplified array of chronopost api parameters to print PDF stickers / Sky bill, and change this variables by your own (at least the account id and password)...

// public/index.php

require  './../vendor/autoload.php';

use App\Chrono\Soap;

// ...

$chronopost_client = new App\Chrono\Soap();
if(false!==$chronopost_client->soapCheck()) {
    $chrono_id = uniqId();
    try {
        $result = $chronopost_client->soapLaunch($shipping_params);
    } catch (SoapFault $soapFault) {
    if ($result->return->errorCode) {
        echo 'Erreur n° ' . $result->return->errorCode . ' : ' . 
    } else {
        $fp = fopen('pdf/chronopost_'.trim($chrono_id).'.pdf', 'w');
        fwrite($fp, $result->return->skybill);
        echo ' -> récuperer mon etiquette en PDF : <a href="/pdf/chronopost_'.trim($chrono_id).'.pdf">chronopost '.trim($chrono_id).'</a><br>' . PHP_EOL;
} else {
    echo "<p>Soap not installed. Install Soap with : <br><em><code>sudo apt-get install php-soap</code></em>
    and <em><code>sudo systemctl restart apache2</code></em>.<br>Sometimes you will have to change this line in php.ini : <br>
    <em><code>;extension=soap</code></em> to <em><code>extension=soap</code></em></p>";

exemple of a complete array of parameters

// public/index.php

$shipping_params = [ 
    // Chronopost account api password / Mot de passe Api Cgronopost
    'password'                  => 666666,                                      //YOUR CHRONOPOST API PASSWORD ex : 666666       *******************  CHANGE WITH YOUR   
    // Chronopost account / Compte client chronopost
    'headerValue'                   => [
        "accountNumber"             => '66666666',                              //YOUR CHRONOPOST ACCOUNT NUMBER ex : 58879868   *******************  CHANGE WITH YOUR 
        "subAccount"                => '',
        "idEmit"                    => 'CHRFR',                                 // Chronopost FR (string)
        "identWebPro"               => '',                                      // string
    // Shipper / Expediteur
    'shipperValue' => [
        "shipperAdress1"            => '1 rue du Général',
        "shipperAdress2"            => '',
        "shipperCity"               => 'RODEZ',
        "shipperCivility"           => 'M',
        "shipperContactName"        => 'George TENANT',
        "shipperCountry"            => 'FR',
        "shipperCountryName"        => 'FRANCE',
        "shipperEmail"              => '',              
        "shipperMobilePhone"        => '0611223344',
        "shipperName"               => 'George TENANT',                         
        "shipperName2"              => '',
        "shipperPhone"              => '0611223344',                            
        "shipperPreAlert"           => 0,                                       // @var intType de préalerte (MAS) -> 0 : pas de préalerte | 11 : abonnement tracking expéditeur 
        "shipperZipCode"            => '12000',
    // Customer / Client
    'customerValue' => [
        "customerAdress1"           => '40 RUE J. JAURES',
        "customerAdress2"           => 'res 2 etage 3 porte 8',
        "customerCity"              => 'BIARRITZ',
        "customerCivility"          => 'M',
        "customerContactName"       => 'Jeanne-Coralie BARTA',
        "customerCountry"           => 'FR',
        "customerCountryName"       => 'FRANCE',                                                                                       
        "customerEmail"             => '',                        
        "customerMobilePhone"       => '0624278556',                            
        "customerName"              => 'Jeanne-Coralie BARTA',                  
        "customerName2"             => '',                                      
        "customerPhone"             => '0624278556',                            
        "customerPreAlert"          => 0,                                       
        "customerZipCode"           => '64200',                                 
        "printAsSender"             => 'N',                                     // Utiliser comme expediteur sur l'etiquette finale O/N
    // Recipient / Destinataire
    'recipientValue' => [
        "recipientAdress1"          => '40 RUE JEAN PASCOU',
        "recipientAdress2"          => '',
        "recipientCity"             => 'BIGANOS',
        "recipientContactName"      => 'Joe Doe',
        "recipientCountry"          => 'FR',
        "recipientCountryName"      => 'FRANCE',
        "recipientEmail"            => '',
        "recipientMobilePhone"      => '0644444444',
        "recipientName"             => '',
        "recipientName2"            => '',
        "recipientPhone"            => '',
        "recipientPreAlert"         => 0,
        "recipientZipCode"          => '33160',
        "recipientCivility"         => 'M',
    // Sky Bill / Etiquette de livraison / Caractéristique du colis
    'skybillValue' => [
        "productCode"               => '86',            // Code Produit Chronopost [0 : Chrono Retrait Bureau | 1 : Chrono 13 | 86 : Chrono Relais | cf Docts ANNEXE 8 ]
        "weightUnit"                => 'KGM',           // Unité poids | defaut: KGM (Kilogrammes) | recommandation 20 de l’UN/ECE
        "shipDate"                  => date('c'),       // Date d'expédition (dateTime)
        "shipHour"                  => date('G'),       // Heure d'expédition - Heure de génération de l'envoi (heure  courante), entre 0 et 23 - (int)
        "weight"                    => 0.4,               // Poids en KG (float)
        "service"                   => '0',             // Jour de livraison : 0 - Normal | 1 - Livraison lundi (FR) | 6 - Livraison samedi (FR) (string)
        "objectType"                => 'MAR',           // Type colis (DOC:documents/MAR:marchandises) (string)
        "bulkNumber"                => 1,               // Nombre total de colis
        "codCurrency"               => 'EUR',           // Devise du Retour Express de paiement EUR (Euro) par defaut
        "codValue"                  => 0,               // Valeur Retour Express paiement
        "customsCurrency"           => 'EUR',           // Devise valeur déclarée en douane (string)
        "customsValue"              => 0,               // Valeur déclarée en douane (int)
        "evtCode"                   => 'DC',            // Code événement suivi Chronopost - Champ fixe : DC (string)
        "insuredCurrency"           => 'EUR',           // Devise valeur assurée (string)
        "insuredValue"              => 0,               // Valeur assurée (int)
        "masterSkybillNumber"       => '?',
        "portCurrency"              => 'EUR',           // string
        "portValue"                 => 0,               // float
        "skybillRank"               => 1,               // string  ?????
        "height"                    => '10', 
        "length"                    => '20', 
        "width"                     => '30',
    // Pickup On Request parameters / Paramètres Enlèvement Sur Demande
    'esdValue' => [
        "closingDateTime"           => '',              // dateTime
        "height"                    => '',              // float
        "length"                    => '',              // float
        "retrievalDateTime"         => '',              // dateTime
        "shipperBuildingFloor"      => '',              // string
        "shipperCarriesCode"        => '',              // string
        "shipperServiceDirection"   => '',              // string
        "specificInstructions"      => '',              // string
        "width"                     => '',              // float
    // Reference values / Valeurs de réference
    'refValue' => [
        "customerSkybillNumber"     => '',              // string Numéro colis client 15 carac max -> code barre A4 - ex 123456789
        "PCardTransactionNumber"    => '',              // string             
        "recipientRef"              => '',              // string Référence Destinataire - Champ libre (imprimable sur la facture) - critère de recherche suivi (ex: '24') (*)
        "shipperRef"                => '',              // string Référence Expéditeur - Champ libre (imprimable sur la facture) - critère de recherche suivi -> 
                                                        // * Chrono Relais (86), Chrono Relais 9 (80), Chrono Relais Europe (3T)*  et Chrono Zengo Relais 13 (3K) 
                                                        // remplir avec code du point relais Réf Expéditeur (ex: '000000000000001')
    // Skybill Params Value / Etiquette de livraison - format de fichiers /datas
    'skybillParamsValue' => [
        "mode"           => 'PDF',                          // Format final etiquette : default PDF | ...


Make a functionnal wrapper for the entire Chronopost Soap API .... lot of work !
