Release - 2021-11-22
released this
22 Nov 22:22
241 commits
to master
since this release
Release of UltimateKEYS :
AutoHotkey, MSKLC and Linux :
Alternate forms of 'less-than or equal to' (both ≤ and ⩽) and 'greater-than or equal to' (both ≥ and ⩾) have been added.
AutoHotkey v1.1/v2.0 : see this archive/repository (recommended for Windows 10)
MSKLC : see the attached ZIP file (compiled with MSKLC v1.4 2020-10-02)
Linux : XKB/Xmodmap + .XCompose : see this archive/repository
Website :
Testing repository :
Enjoy and have fun ! - Veel plezier !