Some technologies that i know
- 🌐 Software Developer.
- 📍 Born in Salvador/BA Brazil.
- 👨🏻🎓 I’m currently studying Software Engineering.
- 🎯 Focus on developing Microservices in Java with SpringBoot and running as max as possible on Kubernetes.
- 📬 Brokers: RabbitMQ and Apache Kafka.
- 🗃️ Databases: PostgreSQL,MySQL,MongoDB & Redis.
- 📊 Logs Observability: Elastic Stack (ELK).
- 🔎 Application Monitoring: Prometheus,Grafana,Dynatrace.
- ☁️ Cloud providers: AWS,GCP,AZURE
- ⚙️ Container: Docker,Kubernetes
- CI/CD: Jenkins,GithubActions
- IaC: Terraform,Ansible
- Tracing: Zipkin,Jaeger