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Paul Inventado edited this page May 13, 2015 · 7 revisions

Open Pattern Repository for Online Learning Systems

Welcome to the Open Pattern Repository for Online Learning Systems! Our goal is to create a repository of online learning system design patterns that teachers, developers, and researchers can use to create, maintain, and upgrade (i.e., add new features, add new content, adapt to new technologies) online learning systems.

Existing design patterns address current problems in online learning systems, but due to the rapid change in technology these design patterns may need to be revisited. It will take a lot of effort to manually analyze the changes in online learning systems, to identify problems in the new context, and to find solutions every time. Using a big-data-driven methodology, we aim to uncover problems and solutions in online learning systems more quickly and easily. Specifically, we find relationships between designs and student learning outcomes, which are indicative of design patterns. Exploring relationships between other aspects of the system and the different stakeholders (e.g., frequency of teachers' system usage, code readability, network latency), can allow the creation of even more patterns that will be useful for online learning system design.

The repository contains a collection of design patterns for online learning systems built by a multi-disciplinary community. You do not need to be a design pattern expert to participate. Here are some ways you can use your expertise to help build the repository:

####Pattern prospecting Online learning systems have many components that interact with each other, which different types of users also interact with. The goal of pattern prospecting is to find a good starting point where patterns can be uncovered. ####Pattern mining ####Pattern evaluation ####Pattern application

The list below shows a categorized list of design patterns for online learning systems.

ASSISTments Design Patterns

  1. All content in one place