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cjapy : RequestCreator class

The cjapy module provide a way for you to create request dictionary to CJA servers, it is done via the usage of the RequestCreatorclass.
This class will provide you an instance that contains methods to modify your request definition.
In this documentation, we will review the different methods available.

RequestCreator instanciation

In order to generate an instance of the RequestCreator, once you have loaded the cjapy module, you can either directly call the class or pass an existing request definition.\

Creating an empty request

import cjapy
### creating an empty request 
myRequest = cjapy.RequestCreator()

The myRequest object will contain the following definition:

        "globalFilters": [],
        "metricContainer": {
            "metrics": [],
            "metricFilters": [],
        "dimension": "",
        "settings": {
            "countRepeatInstances": True,
            "limit": 20000,
            "page": 0,
            "nonesBehavior": "exclude-nones",
        "statistics": {"functions": ["col-max", "col-min"]},
        "dataId": "",

Uploading a template request

import cjapy, json
### loading your existing request, downloaded from CJA interface
with open('mySavedRequest.json','r') as f:
    saveRequest = json.load(f)
### passing the definition to the RequestCreator
myRequest = cjapy.RequestCreator(saveRequest)

In this case, myRequest will contain the definition that you have passed on the initiation of the RequestCreator instance.

Methods availables on RequestCreator instance

Once your instance has been created, example: myRequest, several methods are available to you.
We will review the different methods available via the object.

  • to_dict() This method returns the current request definition, in a dictionary.

  • save() This method saves the current request definition in a JSON file. Arguments:

    • filename : OPTIONAL : Name of the file. (default cjapy_request_<timestamp>.json)
  • setDimension() Set the dimension to be used for reporting. Arguments:

    • dimension : REQUIRED : the dimension to build your report on
  • setDataViewId() Set the dataView ID to be used for the reporting. Arguments:

    • dataViewId : REQUIRED : The Data View ID to be passed.
  • addMetric() Add a metric to the Request. Arguments:

    • metricId : REQUIRED : The metric to add
    • attributionModel : OPTIONAL : The attribution model to use (e.g., "lastTouch", "firstTouch", "linear", "participation", "sameTouch", "uShaped", "jShaped", "reverseJShaped", "timeDecay", "positionBased", "algorithmic")
    • lookbackWindow : OPTIONAL : The lookback window (number of minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, quarters, "session", or "person"). Assumes 30 if not specified.
    • lookbackGranularity : OPTIONAL : The granularity of the lookback window (minute, hour, day, week, month, quarter). Defaults to "day".
    • **kwargs : Additional model-specific parameters. For "timeDecay" (assumes 1 week): halfLifeNumPeriods, halfLifeGranularity; for "positionBased": firstWeight, middleWeight, lastWeight.

    The addMetric method also supports various attribution models. For example, the sameTouch model is defined without a lookback window, while other models like lastTouch and firstTouch can have lookback windows and expiration settings. The timeDecay model allows specifying half-life periods and granularity, with defaults to 1 week if not provided.


    # Adding a simple metric
    # Adding a metric with an attribution model
    myRequest.addMetric("metrics/orders", attributionModel="lastTouch", lookbackWindow=30)
    # Adding a metric with a custom attribution model
    # Adding a metric with position-based attribution model
    # Adding a metric with sameTouch attribution model
    myRequest.addMetric("metrics/orders", attributionModel="sameTouch")
  • addGlobalFilter() Add a global filter to the report. NOTE : You need to have a dateRange filter at least in the global report. Arguments:

    • filterId : REQUIRED : The filter to add to the global filter.
      "s293120jf3q9jf38301jd029f030128z482s" -> segment ID
      "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000/2020-02-01T00:00:00.000" -> dateRange "dimension:::itemId" -> dimension value
  • removeGlobalFilter() Remove a specific filter from the globalFilter list. You can use either the index of the list or the specific Id of the filter used. Arguments:

    • index : REQUIRED : index in the list return
    • filterId : REQUIRED : the id of the filter to be removed (ex: filterId, dateRange)
  • setNoneBehavior() Set the behavior of the None values in that request. Arguments:

    • returnNones : OPTIONAL : True or False (True by default)
  • setRepeatInstance() Specify if repeated instances should be counted. Arguments:

    • repeat : OPTIONAL : True or False (True by default)
  • setLimit() Specific the number of element to retrieve. Default is 10. Arguments:

    • limit : OPTIONAL : number of elements to return
  • setSearch() Set a search for specific value in the dimensions. Arguments:

    • itemIds : REQUIRED : list of value to search for.
  • removeSearch() Remove the search attribute for the search capabilities. No arguments.

  • addMetricFilter() Add a filter to a metric. Arguments:

    • metricId : REQUIRED : metric where the filter is added
    • filterId : REQUIRED : The filter to add. When breakdown, use the following format for the value "dimension:::itemId"
    • metricIndex : OPTIONAL : If used, set the filter to the metric located on that index.
  • removeMetricFilter() remove a filter from a metric Arguments:

    • filterId : REQUIRED : The filter to add. when breakdown, use the following format for the value "dimension:::itemId"
  • setDateRange() Set the date range for the request. Arguments:

    • start_date : REQUIRED : The start date for the report in 'YYYY-MM-DD' format or datetime object.
    • end_date : REQUIRED : The end date for the report in 'YYYY-MM-DD' format or datetime object.
  • updateDateRange() Update the dateRange filter on the globalFilter list One of the 3 elements specified below is required. Arguments:

    • dateRange : OPTIONAL : string representing the new dateRange string, such as: 2020-01-01T00:00:00.000/2020-02-01T00:00:00.000
    • shiftingDays : OPTIONAL : An integer, if you want to add or remove days from the current dateRange provided. Apply to end and beginning of dateRange. So 2020-01-01T00:00:00.000/2020-02-01T00:00:00.000 with +2 will give 2020-01-03T00:00:00.000/2020-02-03T00:00:00.000
    • shiftingDaysEnd : : OPTIONAL : An integer, if you want to add or remove days from the last part of the current dateRange. Apply only to end of the dateRange. So 2020-01-01T00:00:00.000/2020-02-01T00:00:00.000 with +2 will give 2020-01-01T00:00:00.000/2020-02-03T00:00:00.000
    • shiftingDaysStart : OPTIONAL : An integer, if you want to add or remove days from the last first part of the current dateRange. Apply only to beginning of the dateRange. So 2020-01-01T00:00:00.000/2020-02-01T00:00:00.000 with +2 will give 2020-01-03T00:00:00.000/2020-02-01T00:00:00.000

Instance attributes

At the moment, there are only limited attributes available on the instance of the RequestCreator class.


In order to help build the main date request for your global filter, I have prepared some predefined dates available to you.
The different timeframe available through the dates attributes are the following:

  • thisMonth : full month date
  • untilToday : start of the month till yesterday midnight
  • todayIncluded : start of the month, today included
  • last30daysTillToday
  • last30daysTodayIncluded
  • last7daysTillToday
  • last7daysTodayIncluded


todayattribute is a datetime object, with today timestamp.
This can help you derive other dates if needed.


search attribute is a boolean defining if search has been set for the dimension.