This document introduces the core concepts and logic of Skenario, a simulator for HPA.
Skenario is a simulator that borrows ideas from two distinct schools of modeling: Discrete Event Simulation (DES) and Systems Dynamics (SD).
The motivation for Skenario is to present the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler with synthetic inputs that lead to realistic reactions, so that its behaviour can be understood under various scenarios.
Quoting from the original issue:
Autoscaling is a surprisingly difficult problem with a number of nested and overlapping problems to solve. In developing solutions, we can aim to validate or invalidate our design hypotheses in three main ways:
- Empirically
- From production observations
- From load & performance testing
- Theoretically
- Applying control theory
- Applying queueing theory
- With simulation
Because each validation approach has different strengths and weaknesses. Empirical validation is the final word, but is a slow-moving feedback loop (hours to months). Theoretical validation can dramatically shrink the solution search space, but is less accessible to each of our key personae (developers, operators, contributors) and does not yet address problems that remain unsolved in the research literature.
Simulation splits the difference: it is faster than empirical validation with the risk of inaccuracy, simpler than theoretical validation with the cost of implementation. Simulation is intended to provide contributors with the ability to rapidly explore the design space and iterate on solutions. It is also intended to illuminate potential problems in advance of implementation. Simulation will probably provide input into autoscaling, routing, serving and upstream projects.
A Discrete Event Simulation (DES), as the name suggests, updates the simulation based on messages, commands, objects or some other representation of an "event" that mutates the state of the simulated world. In Discrete Event Simulation, time is discrete: it is divided into units that cannot be further subdivided.
By contrast, in Systems Dynamics, time is a continuous variable. There are no discrete "events", rather there are "Flows" that represents rates of change.
The DES approach enables a key computational shortcut. When an event occurs, the overall simulation clock can be advanced to that occurrence time. Times between events need not be simulated. To an outside observer the clock "skips" from event to event. This design is known in DES terminology as a "next-event" simulation.
By contrast, to simulate a continuous system, it will usually be necessary to numerically solve integral calculus equations. This means iteratively computing fixed slices of time. In DES terminology this is a "fixed-interval" simulation, alternatively "continuous-time" simulation.
Being able to skip ahead has performance implications. Simulations of events in very precise time do not need to be slower than simulations with imprecise time. Runtime scales with the number of events to be simulated, rather than with the number of events multiplied by the time-precision of the simulation.
Also convenient is that a DES model can allow events to be scheduled both before and during the simulation execution. This is particularly useful in setting up arrivals into the simulation from the "outside". For example, all the Requests that will arrive during a simulation are added to the schedule before the simulation scenario begins to execute.
In Skenario, simulation begins at time zero (the Epoch) and changes occur with nanosecond resolution.
It is important to note that there is no parallelism in the design. In each pass through the simulation loop, time appears "frozen" until the relevant Movement has finished processing. Any changes made by participating Stocks and Models will appear to occur instantaneously. In implementation terms this means I have not made use of channels and I have not made any efforts towards goroutine safety.
There are five major concepts in Skenario: Entities, Stocks, Movements, Models and the Environment.
An entity is a discrete object that can be "moved". In DES, entities are typically called "processes".
For example: if Skenario was a bank simulation, customers in a queue would be entities, as they are individually-identifiable units that enter the bank, join the queue, go to a teller, then leave the bank.
In Skenario, the major entities are Replicas and Requests. A Replica moves from launching, to active, to terminating, to terminated. Requests can be at the source, in the buffer, processing on a replica or completed.
As a design principle, you should place as little logic into an Entity as possible; most of the logic of interest should be in the Stock which manages them. Think of Entities as being anonymous.
Mainstream DES literature tends to focus on building a list of events of known types, a loop that takes the next event from the list and then a switch statement that inspects the event type and updates a global model. Typical example implementations involve a collection of global arrays and flag variables (see for example the sample code given for Averill M. Law's Simulation Modeling and Analysis, 5th Ed).
This approach does not treat Entities as individual structures, but instead as numerical counts to be added and subtracted from variables in the model. In DES terminology this is the "job-oriented" approach. Each "job" (eg, a simulated bank teller) is simulated, but the customers are represented merely as a tally that is added and subtracted from.
The alternative approach is "process-oriented". A "process" (eg, the bank customer) can "occupy" a "resource" (eg, the bank teller). Instead of gathering statistics on the jobs, the model collects statistics on the processes. Formally these are equivalent, one can be converted to the other.
Literature and examples of the process-oriented approach are frustratingly thin on the ground compared to the job-oriented approach. I suspect this is due to the long history of DES, dating as it does to the early Fortran era. The process-oriented approach, by contrast, essentially escaped into the broader community as object-oriented programming via Simula.
An early design for Skenario attempted a process-oriented approach, where Entities embedded in Events (called "Subjects" of the event) were responsible for all the logic of reacting to an event. This broke down because Entities would need to listen for events of interest, even if those events were not directly in their own scope of responsibility. For example, a Request would need to listen for the activation of Replicas, so that it could schedule itself to switch to the RequestProcessing state.
Agent-Based Modelling (ABM) is a third distinct paradigm of simulation, probably recognisable to many mainstream programmers as a message-passing design. From ABM, Skenario takes the idea that Entities may have their own logic. However it does not go as far as ABM in constructing all system behaviour from the interaction of many agents pursuing their own agenda.
ABM systems are profoundly effective at modelling emergent behaviour of large populations, but less helpful in understanding the dynamics of movement in more constrained systems.
Stocks are "where" an entity exists at the beginning of each simulation loop. The term "Stock" is taken from System Dynamics, where it forms part of the concept of "Stocks and Flows". A stock is any variable that shows memory or history, that behaves like an integral or summation.
The example often given is of a bathtub, which is a Stock of water. There is an flow into the bathtub (the tap) and a flow out of the bathtub (the drain). At any given point in time, the amount of water in the Stock is a function of the net rates of flow integrated or summed over the timespan of interest.
Stocks are a central concept in Systems Dynamics because they introduce delays. In Discrete Event Simulation the almost universal concept of a Stock is the Queue, partly because of the strong Queueing Theory foundations of that field. I have chosen the System Dynamics terminology for two reasons. One is that it ties more neatly to "Movement", as described below. The other is that "queue", in a software context, is typically taken to mean a FIFO queue. But Stocks may, in theory, perform any mixing of Entities that they wish.
These are the main methods for interacting with a Stock. In general, this is where most special-case simulation logic should be placed, because these are the methods called during a Movement.
Note that Remove()
does allow the caller to select which Entity to remove.
Also the caller is able to omit saying which Entity to remove and receive an Entity, of the Stock's choosing.
These methods are the main extension points for Skenario. Several specialised
Stocks (eg RequestsRoutingStock, TrafficSource) implement simulation logic as part
of their Add()
or Remove()
methods. Several of these wrap a simpler delegate
Through stock.
Stocks need not always have both of Add()
and Remove()
A Stock which only has a Remove()
method is a "Source" Stock. The typical pattern
for these is to be responsible for generation a new Entity. For example, the
TrafficSource Stock creates new Requests each time its Remove()
method is called.
A Stock which only has an Add()
method is a "Sink" Stock. These are typically
intended to prevent further movements of an Entity. An example is the
ReplicasTerminated Stock: once an Entity reaches it, it should never be able to
A Stock with both Add()
and Remove()
is a Through Stock.
There are two implementations of the generic through stock. One based on an array
providing O(1) list operations (e.g. for round-robin load balancing on Replicas)
and one based on a map provide O(n) list operations, but O(1) Add and Remove (e.g. for Request entities).
Movements are the main substitute for "events" in the DES meaning of the term. The core simulation loop iterates over Movements that have been Scheduled.
Each Movement has four key values: Kind, OccursAt, From and To, and one optional value: WhatToMove. The Kind is useful to group together Movements with different particulars. OccursAt is the point in simulation time at which the Movement is intended to occur. The "From" and "To" fields point to particular Stocks that the Environment will Remove() from and Add() to. WhatToMove is a reference to a particular Entity. If we are intended to highlight which Entity we move (e.g. when we remove a specific Replica as a part of updating Replicas to stick to vertical scaling recommendations), we use "WhatToMove" field to point to a particular Entity. We can omit this field and the responsibility for selecting which Entity to move rests with the Source Stock.
Why not events? In the early designs for Skenario, events were the main organising concept and were used to drive finite-state machines for various simulated Entities. But this turned out to be problematic for two reasons.
The first was that logic quickly became very tangled, with various simulated objects listening for events being scheduled or executed by other objects. The core of each simulated Entity became a large, hairy switch statement.
The second problem was that FSMs and events could not easily represent that Replicas are created and destroyed during the life of the simulation. The assignment of Requests to Replicas is critical to provoking a realistic response from the Autoscaler. It is not enough to have an FSM representing "processing" as a state, it has to represent "processing on replica-4" as a state. But the existence and reachability of this state is contingent on the existence or non-existence of Replicas. This was easier to represent using Stocks and Movements that deal in Entities.
In System Dynamics there's no "movement" concept and generally Entities are represented by a count or summation in a Stock. A Stock in System Dynamics is connected to other Stocks via Flows. Like Stocks these are functions of time elapsed, but they are derivatives, not integrals: rates of change, rather than accumulated amounts of change.
This makes sense in a continuous setting, but does not make sense in a discrete setting. In this respect Movements can be thought of as discretized Flows, or alternatively as the inverse of a Flow. Where a Flow might expressed "X units per second", a Movement will instead look at the seconds until a particular Movement is to occur. When aggregated by time, Movements approximate a Flow.
Models are "the rest" of the code. Typically these own Stocks, wire dependencies and potentially maintain other state.
In Skenario the Models provided are the Autoscaler and the Cluster. These establish the various initial Stocks (eg. RequestsRouting, ReplicasLaunching) that are used during the life of the simulation.
Generally speaking, logic should be kept out of Models. Everything that can be expressed
as a Movement ought to be; special-case logic should be placed in Add()
. For example, the logic for scaling up or down is expressed mostly as
Movements between Stocks, rather than as variables manipulated by the Models.
The Environment is the effective root of the program. Its Run()
method has the
core simulation loop and the AddToSchedule()
method provides the means for
simulation components to set up future Movements. The Environment also provides a
number of accessors to key global variables: the simulation's CurrentMovementTime()
the simulation's HaltTime()
and a Context()
that holds a logger object as a value.
The Environment schedules two specialised Movements: the start_to_running
and the running_to_halted
Movement. These are placed at the boundary points of time.
That is: only the start Movement may occur at time zero, only the halt Movement may
occur at the halting time. Other Movements must occur between these two, meaning that
the permissible time range is expressible as (0, halt)
or as [1, halt-1]
The Environment's Run()
method implements the "next-event list" concept from
Discrete Event Simulation. This means that on each iteration, the Environment will
select the next Movement from a queue and execute it.
Ordering is by the OccursAt
time of Movements. Internally, the Environment is
relying on a MovementPriorityQueue
to maintain orderly records; ultimately this is
relies on an ordered heap to
maintain Movement ordering. Ordering is strict and total: only one Movement can occupy
any given OccursAt
Once a Movement has been dequeued, the simulation's current time is advanced to
the OccursAt
value of the Movement. The Environment then calls the Remove()
of the From()
Stock to retrieve an Entity. If that call is successful, it then
s that Entity to the To()
On each iteration, Movements that occurred successfully are captured in the
array for later display. Movements that were not successful, most
often because of an empty From()
stock, are captured in the IgnoredMovements
This method is how new Movements are scheduled for simulation. Any object with a reference to the Environment may call this method. It is the sole mechanism for inserting elements into the queue of Movements.
The Environment will only accept Movements which will occur during the remaining life
of the simulation. This means it will reject Movements scheduled before the current
time and it will reject events that would occur after the halt time. Such Movements
are added to the IgnoredMovements
The Environment also rejects new Movements when an existing Movement is already
scheduled to OccursAt
that time. This is partly due to the underlying implementation,
which uses the OccursAt
value as the key for ordering of Movements. This underlying
data structure allows existing values for a given key to be modified, meaning that
without guarding against scheduling collisions, Movements could be overwritten without
The design also reflects that events -- Movements -- are discrete. One and only one change to the world can occur at a time. Put another way: the simulation is intended to be strictly deterministic.
In practical terms, the fact that the Environment will ignore Movements that have schedule collisions with another Movement means that some logic is needed in callers to reduce the odds of collision. In future I think it will be better for the Environment to handle the schedule-shifting itself.
For debugging purposes, the CLI shows a table of ignored Movements and the reason why they were ignored.
In its natural environment, the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) and The Vertical Pod Autoscaler (VPA)
are triggered on a TickInterval
, defaulting to 15 seconds. Upon each TickInterval
HPA recalculates
its desired number of replicas while VPA updates recommendations regarding size of replicas
in terms of cpu capacity.
The AutoscalerTicktockStock
is used to manage this regular behaviour. At creation
time, Movements from the AutoscalerTicktockStock
back into itself are scheduled,
so that AutoscalerTicktockStock
is both of the From()
and To()
stocks in the
Movements. On each Add()
the stock will drive the actual HPA and VPA, prompting it to
calculate new desired values.
Replicas are the unit that the HPA and VPA are scaling up and down (HPA in terms of quantity, VPA - size). The responsiveness of the overall system depends in no small part on how quickly Replicas can become active and able to process incoming traffic. The Movements graph for Replicas is:
| |
| V
ReplicaSource --> ReplicasLaunching --> ReplicasActive --> ReplicasTerminated
The diagram shows four possible transitions:
, from ReplicaSource to ReplicasLaunchingfinish_launching
, from ReplicasLaunching to ReplicasActiveterminate_launch
, from ReplicasLaunching to ReplicasTerminatedterminate_active
, from ReplicasActive to ReplicasTerminated
Time spent in the ReplicasLaunching stock is influential on system behaviour because Requests can continue to arrive while launching takes place. In the original designs this was substantially more detailed; for this generation of the design I chose to ignore the details while rebuilding the core simulator framework. A lot of improvements to simulation accuracy will probably come from breaking that Stock into finer detail.
Replicas are represented with the ReplicaEntity
, a specialisation of Entity. The
specialisation holds logic necessary to activate and deactivate a replica in the Kubernetes.
Every replica (when it becomes active) is triggered on a metricsTickInterval
, defaulting to 10 seconds.
Upon each metricsTickInterval
it updates its statistics and pass them to autoscaler with a lag 4 seconds.
The Movements graph for Metrics is:
| |
|10s |
MetricsTicktock |
| ^ |
| |________|
V 4s
MetricsSource --> MetricsPipeline --> MetricsSink --> Kubernetes autoscalers
The diagram shows five possible Movements:
, get metrics from replica. It's scheduled when replica is activated and rescheduled every metrics ticksend_metrics_to_pipeline
, pass metrics to pipeline. It's scheduled every metrics ticknsend_metrics_to_sink
, pass metrics to sink in order to send them to autoscaler after 4 seconds it cames to pipeline
Indirectly, Requests are the signal that the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler and the Vertical Pod Autoscaler are trying to respond to. In a traditional simulation these are called "arrivals". Unlike traditional simulation, the configuration of the simulated system varies throughout the simulation as the HPA changes its desired Replica count.
The Movements graph for Requests is:
TrafficSource -+-> RequestsRouting -+-> RequestsProcessing -+-> RequestsComplete
+-> RequestsFailed
The diagram shows five possible Movements:
, from TrafficSource to RequestsRouting. These are scheduled during the creation of the simulationsend_to_replica
, from RequestsRouting to RequestsProcessingcomplete_request
, from RequestsProcessing to RequestsCompleterequest_failed
, from RequestsProcessing to RequestsFailed
The happy path (arrive_at_routing
, send_to_replica
, complete_request
) is linear.
However, this is true only in aggregate: the exact path for each Request can vary. While
all Requests will come from the TrafficSource and all of them will spend one
Movement in RequestsRouting, the precise RequestsProcessing / RequestsComplete stocks
are not known when the original Request arrival is scheduled. There are multiple
RequestsProcessing stocks, each belonging to a Replica.
There are two alternative paths.
Initially, if a Request arrives, it's sent to RequestRouting. From RequestRouting we schedule a Movement to ReplicasActive stock. On each such Movement it picks a replica with a round-robin scheme and schedule a Movement of the Request to its RequestsProcessing. The RequestsProcessing stock will itself schedule a Movement into RequestsComplete or RequestsFailed, representing timeouts.
This is probably the second major influence on Autoscaler behaviour. By Little's Law, a longer time to process a Request will mean that more Requests are being processed at any given time. The problem is that this signal itself takes time to build up, especially if processing time is very long but arrivals are infrequent.
This is a good example of the System Dynamics principle that Stocks create delays and that these delays can lead to counter-intuitive non-linear dynamics.
The work of autoscalers is based on the cpu utilization metric. Skenario simulates the cpu allocation process and can calculate the cpu utilization at any given time. For more information see Model with real CPU allocation!.