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Bigcommerce Carousel Module

Make the big images change.

Caveat: Right now the functionality of the pause-on-mouseover and pause-on-blur isn't jiving so great with in-browser pause & play buttons. We don't think anyone is using pause & play buttons, but just so you're aware.

Important Note

As of version 3.0.0, make sure to SCSS references in theme.scss to match.



npm install --save github:/pixelunion/bc-carousel


import $ from 'jquery';
import Carousel from 'bc-carousel';

new Carousel({
  el: $('.carousel');
  delay: 4000

Options are self-explanatory

el: the jQuery object of our carousel container. delay: transition delay, in milliseconds. pagination: whether or not to include pagination dots (defaults to false). autoplay: whether or not to start playing right away (defaults to true). dotText: wheher or not to set an explicit text, or to use integers (defaults to false). setHeight: sets height of carousel to that of the tallest slide (defaults to true). pauseOnWindowBlur: pauses the slider when clicking away from the current window/tab (defaults to false).


play: start slideshow looping. pause: stop slideshow loopting. nextSlide: show the next slide. previousSlide: show the previous slide. changeSlide: (targetIndex, animationDirection = 'auto') show the slide at targetIndex, optionally specifying the animation class.


You can listen to events on the el container.

carousel-resize: the carousel is about to be resized. carousel-resized: the carousel has just been resized, typically after a window resize. carousel-change: the carousel is about to change slides. from and to indexes are passed into the event context. carousel-changed: the carousel has just changed slides. from and to indexes are passed into the event context. carousel-play: the carousel has started looping. carousel-pause: the carousel has stopped looping.

const $carousel = $('.carousel');

const carousel = new Carousel({
  el: $carousel,

$carousel.on('carousel-change', (e, context) => {
  console.log(`carousel is changing from ${context.from} to ${}`);

Some sample markup

<section class="carousel">
  {{#each carousel}}
    <figure class="carousel-item {{#if @first}}active{{/if}}">
      <a class="carousel-item-image" href="{{{url}}}">
        <img src="{{image}}" alt="{{{alt_text}}}" />
      <figcaption class="carousel-item-info">
        <a class="button" href="{{{url}}}">{{button_text}}</a>

  <div class="carousel-pagination">
    {{#for 0 ../slide_count}}
      {{#if $index '!==' ../../slide_count}}
        <span class="{{#if $index '===' 0}}active{{/if}}" data-carousel-pagination-item data-slide="{{$index}}">{{$index}}</span>

  <div class="carousel-navigation">
    <span class="carousel-navigation-item carousel-previous">&larr;</span>
    <span class="carousel-navigation-item carousel-next">&rarr;</span>

Further Development

For debugging or improvements you can run a standalone test version of the carousel using a very basic node server:

$ npm install
$ npm run serve

This will allow you to make changes to the JS and HTML. To re-compile the scss you'll need to run npm run build from a separate terminal window after each change.