JSON Viewer is a web application built with Next.js that allows users to perform various operations on JSON files. Users can upload JSON files, format them for human readability, minify them, save the formatted JSON, and share it with others.
Make sure you have Node.js version 18.17.0 installed.
git clone https://github.com/piyusha1807/jsonview.git
npm install
npm run dev / npm run build
- Upload JSON files for processing.
- Format JSON for easy human readability.
- Minify JSON for more compact storage.
- Save formatted JSON locally or on cloud.
- Share JSON data with others.
- Upload a JSON file using the provided interface.
- Choose the desired operation: Format or Minify.
- Perform additional actions if needed (e.g., Save or Share).
- View the formatted or minified JSON in the browser.
- The JSON Viewer project was inspired by the need for a simple tool to work with JSON data.
- Thanks to the Next.js community for providing a robust framework for building web applications.
For questions or support, please contact piyushagrawal1807.com.