- An expression of dismissal of another's comment.
- The sound of a silent and deadly rectal emission.
- Person 1 - You're an idiot.
- Person 2 - Pfft
cd project
mkdir src
export GOPATH=`pwd`
#Note that the persistence layer is easily interchangeable, just implement the Driver interface.
#Currently it is MongoDB.
go get github.com/pkar/pfftdb
go get labix.org/v2/mgo
go get github.com/golang/glog
go run src/github.com/pkar/pfftdb/example/full/main.go -logtostderr -webDir="$(pwd)/src/github.com/pkar/pfftdb/web/"
cd src/github.com/pkar/pfftdb/clients/python/
python example.py
- View the graph at http://localhost:9666 if you run it with the option -webDir and default port which is 9666
- View the graph at http://localhost:9666/exp.html - for a Three.js experimental version