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Anorm 2.4 Migration Guide

This is a guide for migrating from Anorm 2.3 to Anorm 2.4. If you need to migrate from an earlier version of Anorm then you must first follow the Play 2.3 Migration Guide.

Following BatchSQL #3016, SqlQuery case class is refactored as a trait with companion object. Consequently, BatchSql is now created by passed a raw statement which is validated internally.

import anorm.BatchSql

// Before
BatchSql(SqlQuery("SQL")) // No longer accepted (won't compile)

// Now
// Simpler and safer, as SqlQuery is created&validated internally

Moreover, a first list of parameter (for the first execution item of the batch) will be mandatory.

import anorm.{ BatchSql, NamedParameter }

val firstMandatory = Seq[NamedParameter]("a" -> 1, "b" -> 2)

BatchSql("EXEC proc ?, ?", firstMandatory) // 1 execution item

BatchSql("EXEC proc ?, ?", firstMandatory,
  Seq[NamedParameter]("a" -> 3, "b" -> 4)) // 2 execution items


The string interpolation in Anorm has been updated. By using #$value instead of $value, interpolated value will be part of the prepared statement, rather being passed as a parameter when executing this SQL statement (e.g. #$cmd and #$table in example bellow).

val cmd = "SELECT"
val table = "Test"

SQL"""#$cmd * FROM #$table WHERE id = ${"id1"} AND code IN (${Seq(2, 5)})"""

// prepare the SQL statement, with 1 string and 2 integer parameters:
// SELECT * FROM Test WHERE id = ? AND code IN (?, ?)

The preparation of statement was also improved, for better performance.


It's now possible to get a value from Row using a column index.

val res: (String, String) = SQL("SELECT * FROM Test").map(row =>
 row[String](1) -> row[String](2) // string columns #1 and #2

Column resolution per label is now unified, whatever the label is name or alias.

val res: (String, Int) = SQL"SELECT text, count AS i".map(row =>
  row[String]("text") -> row[Int]("i")

New fold and foldWhile functions to work with result stream.

val countryCount: Either[List[Throwable], Long] = 
  SQL"Select count(*) as c from Country".fold(0l) { (c, _) => c + 1 }

val books: Either[List[Throwable], List[String]] =
 SQL("Select name from Books").foldWhile(List[String]()) { (list, row) => 
  foldWhile(List[String]()) { (list, row) =>
    if (list.size == 100) (list -> false) // stop with `list`
    else (list := row[String]("name")) -> true // continue with one more name

New withResult function to provide custom stream parser.

import anorm.{ Cursor, Row }
def go(c: Option[Cursor], l: List[String]): List[String] = c match {
  case Some(cursor) => {
    if (l.size == 100) l // custom limit, partial processing
    else {
      val row =
      go(it, l :+ row[String]("name"))
  case _ => l

val books: Either[List[Throwable], List[String]] =
  SQL("Select name from Books").withResult(go(_, List.empty[String]))

RowParser can be directly applied, which is useful with row streaming.

import anorm.SqlParser.{ int, str }

val parseOnlyFirstRow =
  SQL"SELECT * FROM Table".withResult(
    str("foo") ~ int(2) map {
      case a ~ b => b -> a
    // Either[List[Throwable], Option[Try[(Int, String)]]]
val optionalParseRes =
  // Either[List[Throwable], Option[(Int, String)]]

Compatibility is added for JDBC driver exposing degraded ResultSet (not respecting JDBC specs about row iteration, like Oracle one).

A function can be directly applied on columns with parser combinator to.

import anorm.SqlParser.{ int, str, to }

def display(name: String, population: Int): String = 
  s"The population in $name is of $population."

val parser = str("name") ~ int("population") map (to(display _))

Type mappings

More parameter and column conversions are available.


A column can be multi-value if its type is JDBC array (java.sql.Array). Now Anorm can map it to either array or list (Array[T] or List[T]), provided type of element (T) is also supported in column mapping.

import anorm.SQL
import anorm.SqlParser.{ scalar, * }

// array and element parser
import anorm.Column.{ columnToArray, stringToArray }

val res: List[Array[String]] =
  SQL("SELECT str_arr FROM tbl").as(scalar[Array[String]].*)

New convenient parsing functions are also provided for arrays with SqlParser.array[T](...) and SqlParser.list[T](...)

In case JDBC statement is expecting an array parameter (java.sql.Array), its value can be passed as Array[T], as long as element type T is a supported one.

val arr = Array("fr", "en", "ja")
SQL"UPDATE Test SET langs = $arr".execute()

Multi-value parameter

New conversions are available to pass List[T], Set[T], SortedSet[T], Stream[T] and Vector[T] as multi-value parameter.

SQL("SELECT * FROM Test WHERE cat IN ({categories})").
 on('categories -> List(1, 3, 4))

SQL("SELECT * FROM Test WHERE cat IN ({categories})").
 on('categories -> Set(1, 3, 4))

SQL("SELECT * FROM Test WHERE cat IN ({categories})").
 on('categories -> SortedSet("a", "b", "c"))

SQL("SELECT * FROM Test WHERE cat IN ({categories})").
 on('categories -> Stream(1, 3, 4))

SQL("SELECT * FROM Test WHERE cat IN ({categories})").
 on('categories -> Vector("a", "b", "c"))

Numeric and boolean types

Column conversions for basic types like numeric and boolean ones have been improvided.

Some invalid conversions are removed:

Column (JDBC type) (as) JVM/Scala type
Double Boolean
Int Boolean

There are new conversions extending column support.

Column (JDBC type) (as) JVM/Scala type
BigDecimal BigInteger
BigDecimal Int
BigDecimal Long
BigInteger BigDecimal
BigInteger Int
BigInteger Long
Boolean Int
Boolean Long
Boolean Short
Byte BigDecimal
Float BigDecimal
Int BigDecimal
Long Int
Short BigDecimal

Temporal types

Joda and Java 8 temporal types are supported as parameters:

DateTime1 Timestamp
Instant2 Timestamp
LocalDateTime3 Timestamp
ZonedDateTime4 Timestamp
    1. Type org.joda.time.DateTime.
    1. Type org.joda.time.Instant and java.time.Instant.
    1. Type org.joda.time.LocalDateTime.
    1. Type org.joda.time.ZonedDateTime.

To enable Joda types as parameter, the import anorm.JodaParameterMetaData._ must be used.

These types are also supported in column mappings.

Column (JDBC type) (as) JVM/Scala type
Date DateTime1
Date Instant2
Date LocalDateTime3
Date ZonedDateTime4
Long DateTime
Long Instant
Long LocalDateTime
Long ZonedDateTime
Timestamp DateTime
Timestamp Instant
Timestamp LocalDateTime
Timestamp ZonedDateTime
Wrapper5 Date
Wrapper DateTime1
Wrapper Instant2
Wrapper LocalDateTime3
Wrapper ZonedDateTime4
  • 1: Joda DateTime
  • 2: Java8 or Joda Instant
    1. Type org.joda.time.LocalDateTime.
    1. Type org.joda.time.ZonedDateTime
    1. Any type with a getter getTimestamp returning a java.sql.Timestamp.


  • Binary data: New column conversions for binary columns (bytes, stream, blob), to be parsed as Array[Byte] or InputStream.
  • Parses text column as UUID value: SQL("SELECT uuid_as_text").as(scalar[UUID].single).
  • Passing None for a nullable parameter is deprecated, and typesafe Option.empty[T] must be use instead.