SQLWebManager is a web application for managing your MySQL, Oracle and SQLServer databases build on PHP.
SQLWebManager Framework requires PHP 5.6 or later; we recommend using the latest PHP version whenever possible.
You can install SQLWebManager via composer. A copy of composer.phar is given with the lastest version of SQLWebManager. Run the following command in your shell.
php composer.phar install
Go to install/scripts/
and execute the script mysql.sql, oracle.sql or sqlsever.sql depending of your choice. Then set the database connection on config/database.config.php
. The following is the schema of the database file.
return [
'default' => [
'dbname' => '',
'dbuser' => '',
'dbpass' => '',
'dbhost' => 'localhost',
'driver' => '', // database driver
'dbchar' => 'utf8'
Set the following driver depeding your choice.
Engine | Driver |
mysql | Mysqli |
oracle | Oci8 |
sqlserver | Sqlsrv |
If you install the application in the root of your server, change the folling line on config/application.config.php
'base_path' => (dirname(dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) == "/") ? "" : dirname(dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])),
'base_path' => (dirname(dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) == "/") ? "" : "",
The SQLWebManager IDE is open-source software licensed under the MIT license.