Alex, Josiah, and Justin have created the greatest chess engine ever built for a UWaterloo second-year course.
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◌ ╞╴ ./chess
◌ │ Captures programmers who have no short-term memory.
◌ ╞╴ close
◌ │ Force-quits the current game, without awarding points.
◌ ╞╴ exit
◌ │ Immediately terminates the program.
◌ ╞╴ game [white] [black]
◌ │ Starts a new game. Options are `player` and `computer[1-6]`.
◌ ╞╴ graphics [size]
◌ │ Opens a graphical display of width `size`.
◌ ╞╴ graphics
◌ │ Closes the graphical observer.
◌ ╞╴ help
◌ │ Opens this manual.
◌ ╞╴ make
◌ │ Captures programmers who forgot to CTRL+C.
◌ ╞╴ move
◌ │ Tells the computer to compute and play its move.
◌ ╞╴ move [from] [to] [promotion?]
◌ │ Plays a move. For example: `move e1 g1` or `move g2 g1 R`.
◌ ╞╴ perft [0-15]
◌ │ Runs a PERFT test on the current board.
◌ ╞╴ print
◌ │ Displays the current game.
◌ ╞╴ quit
◌ │ Submits EOF; displays the final scores and exits the program.
◌ ╞╴ resign
◌ │ Resigns the current game.
◌ ╞╴ scores
◌ │ Displays the current scores of White and Black players.
◌ ╞╴ secret
◌ │ Literally just doesn't do anything.
◌ ╞╴ settings
◌ │ Displays the current settings.
◌ ╞╴ setup [FEN]
◌ │ Initializes a game with a well-formed FEN.
◌ ╞╴ setup
◌ ╰──╮ Enters setup mode, which has the following methods:
◌ ╞╴ + [piece] [square]
◌ │ Places `piece` at square `square`, on top of whatever is there.
◌ ╞╴ - [square]
◌ │ Removes any piece at square `square`.
◌ ╞╴ = [colour]
◌ │ Makes it `colour`'s turn to play.
◌ ╞╴ cancel
◌ │ Leaves setup mode and resets the board.
◌ ╞╴ castles
◌ │ Displays the current castling rights.
◌ ╞╴ done
◌ │ Completes setup mode, if restrictions are met.
◌ ╞╴ help
◌ │ Prints the setup mode manual.
◌ ╞╴ passant [square]
◌ │ Sets the en passant square.
◌ ╞╴ print
◌ │ Displays the current board.
◌ ╞╴ toggle [right]
◌ ╭──╯ Toggles the specified castling right.
◌ ╞╴ toggle [0-3]
◌ │ Toggles the numbered setting.
◌ ╞╴ undo
◌ │ Undoes the previous move in the current game.
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