diff --git a/.github/boring-cyborg.yml b/.github/boring-cyborg.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..586cb3aba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/boring-cyborg.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+# boring-cyborg.yml
+# https://probot.github.io/apps/boring-cyborg/
+##### Labeler ##########################################################################################################
+## Enable "labeler" for your PR that would add labels to PRs based on the paths that are modified in the PR.
+# # Add 'label1' to any changes within 'example' folder or any subfolders
+# label1:
+# - example/**/*
+# # Add 'label2' to any file changes within 'example2' folder
+# label2:
+# - example2/*
+# # Complex: Add 'area/core' label to any change within the 'core' package
+# area/core:
+# - src/core/*
+# - src/core/**/*
+# # Add 'test' label to any change to *.spec.js files within the source dir
+# test:
+# - src/**/*.spec.js
+# Various Flags to control behaviour of the "Labeler"
+# # If this flag is changed to 'false', labels would only be added when the PR is first created and not when existing
+# # PR is updated.
+# # The default is 'true' which means the labels would be added when PR is updated even if they were removed by the user
+# labelOnPRUpdates: true
+##### Reviewer #########################################################################################################
+# Enable "Reviewer" for your PR that would add reviewers to PRs based on the labels that exist on the PR.
+# You have the option to set a default reviewer that gets added to every PR, or you can omit that config variable to skip it.
+ # add list of reviewers to add by default to all PRs
+ defaultReviewers:
+ - stevepiercy
+ # specify PR labels that you want to auto assign reviewers based on
+# labels:
+# label1:
+# - tyler-mairose-sp
+# - jordan-violet-sp
+# label2:
+# - kaxil
+##### Greetings ########################################################################################################
+# Comment to be posted to welcome users when they open their first PR
+firstPRWelcomeComment: >
+ Thanks for submitting your first pull request! You are awesome! :hugs:
If you haven't done so already, read
+ [Plone's Code of Conduct](https://plone.org/foundation/about/materials/foundation-resolutions/code-of-conduct)
+ and [Contribute to documentation](https://6.docs.plone.org/contributing/documentation/index.html),
+ as this will greatly help the review process.
Welcome to the Plone community! :tada:
+# Comment to be posted to congratulate user on their first merged PR
+firstPRMergeComment: >
+ Congratulations on your first merged pull request in this project! :tada:
+ ![Congratulations](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/plone/documentation/fda4eadee4b0b71c4bcd0da739847444f74d3fc5/.github/images/congratulations.jpg)
Thank you for contributing, we are very proud of you! :heart:
+# Comment to be posted to on first time issues
+firstIssueWelcomeComment: >
+ Thanks for opening your first issue here!
+ Your engagement is essential for open source projects, including Plone. :hugs:
If you haven't done so already,
+ read [Plone's Code of Conduct](https://plone.org/foundation/about/materials/foundation-resolutions/code-of-conduct).
+ Also please follow the issue template, as it helps both you and other community members contribute more effectively.
If your issue is a feature request, others may raise its prominence through
+ [feature voting](https://6.docs.plone.org/contributing/documentation/index.html#github-menu).
Welcome to the Plone community! :tada:
+###### IssueLink Adder #################################################################################################
+# Insert Issue (Jira/Github etc) link in PR description based on the Issue ID in PR title.
+# # specify the placeholder for the issue link that should be present in the description
+# descriptionIssuePlaceholderRegexp: "^Issue link: (.*)$"
+# matchers:
+# # you can have several matches - for different types of issues
+# # only the first matching entry is replaced
+# jiraIssueMatch:
+# # specify the regexp of issue id that you can find in the title of the PR
+# # the match groups can be used to build the issue id (${1}, ${2}, etc.).
+# titleIssueIdRegexp: \[(AIRFLOW-[0-9]{4})\]
+# # the issue link to be added. ${1}, ${2} ... are replaced with the match groups from the
+# # title match (remember to use quotes)
+# descriptionIssueLink: "[${1}](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/${1}/)"
+# docOnlyIssueMatch:
+# titleIssueIdRegexp: \[(AIRFLOW-X{4})\]
+# descriptionIssueLink: "`Document only change, no JIRA issue`"
+###### Title Validator #################################################################################################
+# Verifies if commit/PR titles match the regexp specified
+# # Regular expression that should be matched by titles of commits or PR
+# titleRegexp: ^\[AIRFLOW-[0-9]{4}\].*$|^\[AIRFLOW-XXXX\].*$
+# # If set to true, it will always check the PR title (as opposed to the individual commits).
+# alwaysUsePrTitle: true
+# # If set to true, it will only check the commit in case there is a single commit.
+# # In case of multiple commits it will check PR title.
+# # This reflects the standard behaviour of Github that for `Squash & Merge` GitHub
+# # uses the PR title rather than commit messages for the squashed commit ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
+# # For single-commit PRs it takes the squashed commit message from the commit as expected.
+# #
+# # If set to false it will check all commit messages. This is useful when you do not squash commits at merge.
+# validateEitherPrOrSingleCommitTitle: true
+# # The title the GitHub status should appear from.
+# statusTitle: "Title Validator"
+# # A custom message to be displayed when the title passes validation.
+# successMessage: "Validation successful!"
+# # A custom message to be displayed when the title fails validation.
+# # Allows insertion of ${type} (commit/PR), ${title} (the title validated) and ${regex} (the titleRegexp above).
+# failureMessage: "Wrong ${type} title: ${title}"
+###### PR/Branch Up-To-Date Checker ####################################################################################
+## Check if the branch is up to date with master when certain files are modified
+# # The default branch is "master", change the branch if you want to check against a different target branch
+# targetBranch: master
+# files:
+# # File paths that you want to check for
+# # In this example, it checks if the branch is up to date when alembic migrations are modified in the PR.
+# # It helps avoid multiple heads in alembic migrations in a collaborative development project.
+# - airflow/migrations/*
+# - airflow/migrations/**/*
+# - airflow/alembic.ini
diff --git a/.github/config.yml b/.github/config.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 40d720fcb..000000000
--- a/.github/config.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-# Configuration for welcome bot - https://github.com/behaviorbot/welcome
-# Configuration for new-issue-welcome - https://github.com/behaviorbot/new-issue-welcome
-# Comment to be posted to on first time issues
-newIssueWelcomeComment: >
- Thanks for opening your first issue here!
- Your engagement is essential for open source projects, including Plone. :hugs:
If you haven't done so already,
- read [Plone's Code of Conduct](https://plone.org/foundation/about/materials/foundation-resolutions/code-of-conduct).
- Also please follow the issue template, as it helps both you and other community members contribute more effectively.
If your issue is a feature request, others may raise its prominence through
- [feature voting](https://6.docs.plone.org/contributing/documentation/index.html#github-menu).
Welcome to the Plone community! :tada:
-# Configuration for new-pr-welcome - https://github.com/behaviorbot/new-pr-welcome
-# Comment to be posted to on PRs from first time contributors in your repository
-newPRWelcomeComment: >
- Thanks for submitting your first pull request! You are awesome! :hugs:
If you haven't done so already, read
- [Plone's Code of Conduct](https://plone.org/foundation/about/materials/foundation-resolutions/code-of-conduct)
- and [Contribute to documentation](https://6.docs.plone.org/contributing/documentation/index.html),
- as this will greatly help the review process.
Welcome to the EBP community! :tada:
-# Configuration for first-pr-merge - https://github.com/behaviorbot/first-pr-merge
-# Comment to be posted to on pull requests merged by a first time user
-firstPRMergeComment: >
- Congratulations on your first merged pull request in this project! :tada:
- ![Congratulations](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/plone/documentation/fda4eadee4b0b71c4bcd0da739847444f74d3fc5/.github/images/congratulations.jpg)
Thank you for contributing, we are very proud of you! :heart: