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Repository files navigation - Gandi LiveDNS Updater 🐍

This python script allows the user to dynamically update a list of DNS records hosted by

The objective is to reproduce a dynamic DNS functionality, using Gandi’s newest LiveDNS RESTful API .

Installation and usage

Just clone the repository (or copy the script) and edit the config file.

Then run –c your_config.cfg

The script can be run at regular interval by adding it to your crontab:

*/15 * * * * python /path/to/ -c your_config.cfg


The configuration is made in an ini-like file:

api =
api_key = YOUR_API_KEY

domain =
name = test
type = A
ttl = 10800


The [general] section contains settings that are common to all records:

  • api the LiveDNS API endpoint URL
  • api_key your personal API key, generated in your account page

Each subsequent section refers to a DNS record to be updated. The section title (in square brackets) is for your own information only, and is not used by the script. Name it however you want. It must contain the following keys:

  • domain the domain name
  • name the name of the record
  • type the type of record
  • ttl the TTL associated with that record (in seconds)

ℹ️ Please note that the example file also contains a value line, but it is not used currently, all records are updated with the external IP address.

If a record requires a specific API key, it can be set by adding an api_key in the record section.


This project was started as a hobby project, adapting existing scripts to my needs and coding habits. I wanted to rely only on the python standard library, hence the use of urllib instead of python-requests.


This project was inspired by similar projects, mostly:


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.