This application is live here:
This app is a Single Page Application created with React. It is my professional portfolio.
If a user wanted to install the dependencies required for this application, they would need to run the command "npm install" at the root directory of th eapplication. The dependecies that are required for this application are: React, Reactstrap, Bootstrap, Bootstrap-Icons, Validator, Framer-Motion, SweetAlert2, and EmailJS.
The primary function of this application is to be a professional portfolio. Fellow developers could also use this application as an example of an SPA created with React.
This application functions by conditionally rendering React components based on the navigation tab selected. There are four pages within this application: About, Portfolio, Resume, and Contact, each with their own React Component. There are also React components for the Navigation, Footer, and Projects (listed in the Portfolio component). The application uses ReactStrap for the vast majority of HTML elements. The About component renders when the "About" navigation tab is selected. The corresponding page looks like the following:
The Portfolio component renders when the "Portfolio" navigation tab is selected. The corresponding page looks like the following:
The Resume component renders when the "Resume" navigation tab is selected. The corresponding page looks like the following:
The Contact component renders when the "Contact" navigation tab is selected. The corresponding page looks like the following:
The Contact component uses EmailJS to send the contents of the Contact form to the author's email address upon submission. It also uses SweetAlert2 to create a modal after submission.
There are no licenses associated with this project.
Guidelines for contributing to this project: There are currently no guidelines for contributing to this project.
There are currently no tests for this application.
Special thanks to Mupa M'mbetsa Nzaphila for their guide on using EmailJS to send an email from a React Form component. Their guide can be found here:
If you have any questions about the project, please reach out via the following: