Text based shoot-em-up for the Apple //e
This game uses a joystick to move right and left and button 0 to fire.
The AppleWin numeric keypad joystick emulation also work well with the game.
You can grab the latest disk image for PRODOS: https://github.com/pmwasson/ascii-aliens/raw/main/disk/aa_prodos.dsk
Or DOS 3.3: https://github.com/pmwasson/ascii-aliens/raw/main/disk/aa_dos33.do
Requires an Apple IIe or better.
Using ca65 (part of the cc65 compiler) for assembling. https://cc65.github.io/
AppleCommander to build disk images. https://applecommander.github.io/
AppleWin for emulation. https://github.com/AppleWin/AppleWin
The following spreadsheet was used to calculate the flight-paths of the aliens: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ozsw1lrswBW2g3PjhNNP42zVof4XAn53S5O2YDWCB5A/edit?usp=sharing