freesurfer-analysis is an interactive statistics visualization tool. Developed by Tashrif Billah and Sylvain Bouix, Brigham and Women's Hospital (Harvard Medical School)
Table of Contents created by gh-md-toc
Outlier detection tool utilizing FreeSurfer segmentation statistics, built using . However, it can be used for any table that has properties on the first row and subject ids on the first column. Potential applications include TBSS roi statistics, and group-level statistics generated by mriqc.
If the package is useful in your research, please cite as below:
Billah, Tashrif; Bouix, Sylvain; FreeSurfer outlier analysis tool,, 2020, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3762476
Clone the repository:
git clone
On Python 3, installation of dependencies can be as simple as:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Generate input table from FreeSurfer statistics:
installation comes with asegstats2table
& aparcstats2table
scripts that can combine subject level
files in to a combined tsv/csv file. However, the scripts require all subject freesurfer/
to be in one directory. This requirement cannot be met when data are organized according BIDS format.
In the latter, subject freesurfer/
will be in sub-*/ses-*/anat/freesurfer/
like directories.
For the scripts to work with BIDS data, one must generate symbolic links to all subject freesurfer/
in one directory.
To faciliate this hack, we wrote a script scripts\
that will--
- read BIDS organized
outputs - create symbolic links in a temporary directory
- generate the combined aseg and aparc files
python scripts\ -c path\to\caselist.txt -t "path\to\sub-*\anat\freesurfer" -o \tmp\fs-stats
Graphical user interface
All users can access the web application at . The web application will write
outputs to a directory of your choice in the PNL file system--/rfanfs/pnl-zorro/
or /data/pnl/
. You do not need VPN or SSH
to access the web application. However, you need a username and password which can be obtained by
emailing {tbillah,sylvain}
Alternatively, you can launch the web application at your lab as follows:
export DASH_DEBUG=False
export PORT=8050
export INIT_DIR=/data/pnl/
export FREESURFER_HOME=/data/pnl/soft/pnlpipe3/freesurfer/
python scripts/
firefox http://localhost:${PORT}/${DASH_URL_BASE_PATHNAME}
- The app will show items of
inFrom PNL server
input sections - The default app URL is http://localhost:8050
Follow the direction in the webpage to be able to run the tool:
After analyzing your input, a result section should appear that you can browse through:
NOTE Browser back and refresh buttons won't work. Please use the hyperlinks in the page for navigation.
Most results should be self explanatory except the effect of demographics. Outliers are corrected considering the effect
of demographic information only if you provide inputs in the Demographics
section. Please see below for direction about
interpreting effect of demographics.
- inliers and outliers
For the uncorrected case, inliers and outliers were decided upon comparing standard scores of measures (i.e. volumes) against acceptable extent (i.e 2 STD). For the demographics corrected case, modified standard scores are computed based on the residuals-- (GLM predicted - given)^2. To allow visualization of outlier<-->inlier transition, the data are displayed with given measures (not the residuals) on the Y axis but changing their color according to modified standard scores. The label of each point, displayed upon hovering cursor, shows both standard scores to give the user a comprehensive idea. Graphs with residuals on the Y axis and modified standard scores can be found in another port-- http://localhost:8051 .
Due to the introduction of effect of demographic variables, some outliers have become inliers and vice-versa. Notice some blue circles within the acceptable standard score range became red i.e. inliers became outliers. Inverse effect can also be seen-- outliers became inliers i.e. some red circles outside the acceptable standard score range became blue. Hover your cursor over the data points to find out subject IDs and standard scores.
- response vs independent variables
When response is analyzed over single independent variable i.e. age only, this graph is available. If response follows a linear trend with independent variable such as increasing or decreasing, that pattern should be noticeable in the graph. Such pattern indicates potential for a linear model fitting. If no such pattern is apparent, a linear model explaining their relationship may not exist.
Right Accumbens volume seems to increase with age in the above graph.
- Observed vs Fitted
The diagonal line in this panel is the linear regression line of the fitted values regressed on these observed values. If this were the saturated model, then all of the points would land on the line. So a model's difference from the saturated benchmark is the degree to which the points deviate from the line. If there existed systematic bias in the fit, say from omitted variables, then the slope would be much different than one. For instance, a slope noticeably less than one would indicate that the model systematically underfit cases with larger observed values and overfit cases with smaller oberved values.
If the fitted GLM is able to model the response to demographic variables properly, we should see data points following the straight line. For the Right Accumbens volume vs age graph, although dispersed, such pattern is discernible.
- Residuals plot
For a good model fitting, the Pearson residuals should be randomly distributed on both side of zero. Any discernible pattern or curvature in a residual dependence plot is an indication of bad model fitting.
- Q-Q plot
The purpose of this normal Quartile-Quartile (QQ) plot is to evaluate whether or not the obtained deviance residuals are approximately normally distributed. If one were to plot perfectly normally distributed residuals against the N(0,1) benchmark here, the plot would be an approximately straight line with slope equal to the standard deviation of the normal variates.
The above interpretation is taken from "Residuals and Model Fit" chapter of [1].
Good residuals for Right Accumbens volume vs age where residuals are well distributed on both sides of zero and closely follows the expected slope in the Q-Q plot.
Bad residuals for WM-hypointensities volume vs age where residuals are mostly less than zero in the residuals plot and largely deviates from the expected slope in the Q-Q plot:
Interpreting model summary requires some degree of statistical knowledge. However, a few generalized direction is provided at the end of the summary that can be utilized to interpret goodness of fit.
# Model summary
Generalized Linear Model Regression Results
Dep. Variable: Q("Left-Lateral-Ventricle") No. Observations: 52
Model: GLM Df Residuals: 50
Model Family: Gaussian Df Model: 1
Link Function: identity Scale: 5.6416e+07
Method: IRLS Log-Likelihood: -536.82
Date: Mon, 18 May 2020 Deviance: 2.8208e+09
Time: 12:50:23 Pearson chi2: 2.82e+09
No. Iterations: 3
Covariance Type: nonrobust
coef std err z P>|z| [0.025 0.975]
Intercept 1.948e+04 7487.819 2.602 0.009 4808.828 3.42e+04
age -76.0032 125.392 -0.606 0.544 -321.767 169.761
llr_pvalue: 0.5236
Psuedo R^2: 0.0004
# Interpretation
Direction for interpreting model (there is no single right answer)
* The lower the llr_pvalue, the better is the model fitting ~
* The higher the Psuedo R^2, the better is the model fitting
* The lower the pvalue (P>|z|) of a particular coefficient, the more significant it is †
* The more compact a confidence interval [0.025 0.975] for a particular coefficient, the better is the estimation
~ Null hypothesis: fitted model is independent of the observation
† Null hypothesis: the coefficient is zero based on the normal distribution
While there is no single right answer, llr_pvalue
and Pseudo R^2
can provide some insight into the model fitting quickly.
The higher the
Pseudo R^2
, the more variability is explained in the fitted model i.e. the better it is. -
The higher the log likelihood ratio probability (
), the more confidence we can have on goodness of fit of the model i.e. the better it is.
References for various attributes in the summary are given below:
- Df Residuals
- Df Model
Df Residuals and Df Model are explained here
- Gaussian
- Gaussian
- Gaussian
- Also see here
- Gaussian
Psuedo R^2
and Psuedo R^2
are explained here
Command line interface
This section is meant for developers. The scripts used here have been merged to
and so are not actively maintained.
However, they can facilitate testing or serve as a fallback option if GUI does not work.
- Visualize summary on a web browser (http://localhost:8050):
# comma separted (default)
python scripts\ -i path\to\asegstats_lh.csv -o \tmp\fs-stats\
# tab separated
python scripts\ -i path\to\asegstats_lh.csv -t tab -o \tmp\fs-stats\
- Enable roi rendering (for FreeSurfer only) with visualization:
python scripts\ -i path\to\asegstats_lh.csv -o \tmp\fs-stats\ -t "path\to\sub-*\anat\freesurfer"
Visualize effect of demographics on a web browser (http://localhost:8053)
python scripts\ -i asegstats.csv -o dem_corrected/ -p participants.csv -c "checkin_bin==3" --effect age
The above command comprises the following steps. They are noted here in case it helps debugging any issue.
- combine demography
python scripts\ -i asegstats.csv -o dem_corrected/ -p participants.csv -c "checkin_bin==3"
More examples for the -c
"age>40 and age<50"
"race==hispanic or (age>40 and age<50)"
file contain demographic information of the research subjects:
- fit Generalized Linear Model
Python package statsmodels is used to fit a Generalized Linear Model (GLM) on the data. We fit a GLM with identity (linear) link and assume the response variables are normally distributed.
python scripts\ -i asegstats_combined.csv -c asegstats_control.csv -e age -p participants.csv -o dem_corrected/
More examples for -e
demographic variables:
age + weight
age + weight + ethnicity
- obtain and view summary
python scripts\ -i asegstats_age_residuals.csv -o dem_corrected/
As before, you can view the summary on http://localhost:8050
- compare uncorrected and corrected outliers
python scripts\ -i asegstats_combined.csv -c asegstats_age_residuals.csv -p participants.csv -o dem_corrected/
Open http://localhost:8053 to view the effect of demographics
If you get an IndexError
on your console like:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\tashr\Documents\GitHub\freesurfer-analysis\scripts\", line 162, in <module>
IndexError: index 0 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 0
Traceback (most recent call last):
File ".\", line 176, in <module>
or an improper format in your webpage like:
You need to a provide a proper -d
on the command line or a Delimiter
value on the webpage.
Supported Delimiters are {comma,tab,space,semicolon}
. The program parses csv files (comma separated) by default.
You can find out the delimiter used in your input by opening the input using vi
Notably, FreeSurfer stats/*.stats
files are tab
separated. If you provide them as inputs, please also provide -d tab
If you get the following error, please upgrade your FreeSurfer to 7.1.0. See details in this commit.
File "/data/pnl/soft/pnlpipe3/fs7.1.0/bin/aparcstats2table", line 2
[ ! -e "$FREESURFER_HOME" ] && echo "error: freesurfer has not been properly sourced" && exit 1
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Address already in use
: The error implies that the port mentioned in
app.run_server(debug=False, port= 8040, host= 'localhost')
is already in use.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\tashr\Documents\GitHub\freesurfer-analysis\scripts\", line 54, in <module>
File "C:\Users\tashr\Documents\GitHub\freesurfer-analysis\scripts\", line 34, in get_ports
check_port(key, port)
File "C:\Users\tashr\Documents\GitHub\freesurfer-analysis\scripts\", line 49, in check_port
raise EnvironmentError(f'http://localhost:{port} is in use, specify another port for {key}')
OSError: http://localhost:8052 is in use, specify another port for table_port
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/data/pnl/soft/pnlpipe3/freesurfer-analysis/scripts/", line 170, in <module>
app.run_server(debug=False, port= 8040, host= 'localhost')
File "/data/pnl/soft/pnlpipe3/miniconda3/envs/pnlpipe3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/dash/", line 1509, in run_server, port=port, debug=debug, **flask_run_options)
File "/data/pnl/soft/pnlpipe3/miniconda3/envs/pnlpipe3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/flask/", line 990, in run
run_simple(host, port, self, **options)
File "/data/pnl/soft/pnlpipe3/miniconda3/envs/pnlpipe3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/werkzeug/", line 1052, in run_simple
File "/data/pnl/soft/pnlpipe3/miniconda3/envs/pnlpipe3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/werkzeug/", line 1005, in inner
File "/data/pnl/soft/pnlpipe3/miniconda3/envs/pnlpipe3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/werkzeug/", line 848, in make_server
host, port, app, request_handler, passthrough_errors, ssl_context, fd=fd
File "/data/pnl/soft/pnlpipe3/miniconda3/envs/pnlpipe3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/werkzeug/", line 740, in __init__
HTTPServer.__init__(self, server_address, handler)
File "/data/pnl/soft/pnlpipe3/miniconda3/envs/pnlpipe3/lib/python3.6/", line 456, in __init__
File "/data/pnl/soft/pnlpipe3/miniconda3/envs/pnlpipe3/lib/python3.6/http/", line 136, in server_bind
File "/data/pnl/soft/pnlpipe3/miniconda3/envs/pnlpipe3/lib/python3.6/", line 470, in server_bind
OSError: [Errno 98] Address already in use
One way to solve this issue would be to follow . However, if you do not have privilege over that port, you might not be able to stop it from listening.
In that case, open scripts/ports.cfg
and assign another four digit port to the variable reported in the traceback, and try again:
In a shared environment, you may not have edit permission for scripts/ports.cfg
. In that case, copy scripts/ports.cfg
to your home directory, edit them, and finally define environment variable:
export DASH_PORTS=/path/to/your/ports.cfg
- Gill, Jeff. Generalized Linear Models: A Unified Approach. SAGE QASS Series, 2001, DOI: