structuralQC repository is developed by Tashrif Billah and Sylvain Bouix, Brigham and Women's Hospital (Harvard Medical School).
- Structural MRI quality checking tool
- Citation
- Dependencies
- Installation
- Tests
- Processing
- Advanced options
- Visual QC
- Multi threading
- Discussion
Table of Contents Created by gh-md-toc
structuralQC is a machine learning algorithm that predicts a structural mri (T1 or T2) as a good or bad image. During acquisition of mri, it might be affected with motion, ghosting, or ringing aritficats. Further processing down any pipeline may be affected by the bad quality of the input image which is why quality assessment is important at the beginning.
The algorithm firstly masks an input image with foreground mask. Then, it slides a small cube throughout the volume, represents each cell in the cube with intensity histograms. After histogram representation of the image, it is compared against a library of good and bad images, and predicted as pass/fail.
A demo of this project is available at structQC.pdf
If you use our software in your research, please cite as below:
Tashrif Billah and Sylvain Bouix, Structural MRI Quality Checking Tool,, 2018, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2584281
- ANTs = 2.3.0
- numpy
- nibabel
- pandas
- scipy
- plumbum
- sklearn
- pynrrd
Check system architecture
uname -a # check if 32 or 64 bit
Download Miniconda Python 3.6 bash installer (32/64-bit based on your environment):
sh -b # -b flag is for license agreement
Activate the conda environment:
source ~/miniconda3/bin/activate # should introduce '(base)' in front of each line
The quality check algorithm works by registering input image to a qood quality T1/T2 image. You may specify a site-specific T1/T2 image. If the image is not mask, you may specify a mask as well. Otherwise, you may use standard templates such as MNI.
- NOTE: unzip
look for
Now that you have installed the prerequisite software, you are ready to install the pipeline:
git clone
conda env create -f environment.yml # you may comment out any existing package from environment.yml
conda activate structQC # should introduce '(structQC)' in front of each line
Alternatively, if you already have ANTs, you can continue using your python environment by directly installing the prerequisite libraries:
pip install -r requirements.txt --upgrade
A sample T1 and T2 image are provided for testing purpose. Besides, two reference features for T1 and T2 are provided for analyzing quality of an input structural MRI. You should download the reference data as follows:
The above script should also update the configuration file config.ini pointing to the correct location of reference data.
Make sure the following executables are in your path:
You can check them as follows:
If any of them does not exist, add that to your path:
export PATH=$PATH:/directory/of/executable
conda activate structQC
should already put the ANTs scripts in your path. However, if you choose to use pre-installed ANTs scripts,
you may need to define ANTSPATH
After configuring your environment, you can download provided data and run tests:
./cli-modules/ -i ref_data/1001-t1w-xc.nrrd -t t1 --fixedImg mniTemplateT1.nii.gz -o /tmp/
./cli-modules/ -i ref_data/1001-t2w-xc.nrrd -t t2 --fixedImg mniTemplateT2.nii.gz -o /tmp/
If everything was done well so far, you should see quality score on the stdout
and corresponding files saved in /tmp/
with the same name prefix as that of the input structural image.
We recommend looking at Execution section of structQC.pdf to learn elaborately about various processing steps. structQC.pdf has been updated in 2022.
When it comes to quality checking an MRI, we may want to analyze the quality of one MRI, or more likely, we may want to quality check a batch of data. The structrualQC toolbox is provided with both capability requiring less user intervention.
Checks the quality of structural mri (T1/T2).
Predicts a score for the mri, and gives a pass/fail recommendation.
-h, --help Prints this help message and quits
--help-all Prints help messages of all sub-commands and quits
-v, --version Prints the program's version and quits
--fixedImg VALUE:ExistingFile fixed image (i.e MNI atlas T1/T2 image); required
--fixedMask VALUE:ExistingFile mask of fixed image (i.e MNI atlas T1/T2 mask)
-i, --input VALUE:ExistingFile structural mri e.g. accepted formats: nhdr, nrrd, nii, and nii.gz; required
-o, --out VALUE:str output directory (default: input img directory) where intermediate files are saved
-t, --type VALUE:str t1/t2; required
Given a structural image (T1 or T2), the algorithm can predict that as a good or bad image.
./ -i image.nrrd -t t1 --fixedImage -o /tmp/
You can write a for loop/shell script to exploit the above for batch of data. However, you can also use batch processing to do it easily.
The program first looks for ansRegistration executables in system path. If they are not available, it exits immediately.
antsRegistration found
All executables are found, program will begin now ...
Then, it searches for an image with reg
keyword in the input directory. If not found, registers the input image
to the specified fixed image (in config.ini).
'reg' keyword is not present in input image. Registering with reference image ...
Registration successful of 1001-t1w-xc.nrrd
Finally, upon checking quality, it prints out the result and saves it in the input or output (if specified) directory.
Checking quality ...
4, pass
Time taken in structural QC 73.3800745010376 seconds
The merit of batch processing is the creation of a .csv
file with predicted attributes. You can append a column
on the right Human validation
and put your own score/decision there. Batch processing is more versatile in a sense
that it also lets you train on your own data.
$ cli-modules/ --help
Checks the quality of all structural mri (T1/T2).
Predicts a score for the mri, and gives a pass/fail recommendation.
-h, --help Prints this help message and quits
--help-all Prints help messages of all sub-commands and quits
-v, --version Prints the program's version and quits
-c, --caselist VALUE:ExistingFile caseid of images to be quality checked; these caseids are present in visual qc
excel file; required
-e, --excel VALUE:ExistingFile if visual_qc is done already, specify a .xlsx file containing T1 and T2 visual
scores, otherwise keep it empty. This file is used for training or validating
accuracy of prediction
-f, --feature turn on this flag for obtaining histogram feature of registered image
--fixedImg VALUE:ExistingFile fixed image (i.e MNI atlas T1/T2 image); required
--fixedMask VALUE:ExistingFile mask of fixed image (i.e MNI atlas T1/T2 mask)
-i, --imglist VALUE:ExistingFile caseid of images to be quality checked; required
-n, --numThreads VALUE:str number of processes/threads to use (-1 for all available, may slow down your
system); the default is 4
-o, --out VALUE:str output directory (default: input image directory) where feature histograms,
registered images, and foreground masks are saved.; required
-r, --register turn on this flag to register images to the reference image
-t, --type VALUE:str t1/t2; required
--train turn on this flag for training. During training, it extracts features from all
the images in a directory. First, it registers the images to a reference image,
and then calculates intensity histogram of non zero patches in the registered
image. If necessary, edit the INPUT section in lib/config.ini file before
running this application
In addition to the arguments discussed for individual processing, specify an imagelist:
-i, --imglist VALUE:ExistingFile
with absolute path of images you want to quality check. Also, specify a caselist with caseids that will be used to organize quality scores in a csv file:
-c, --caselist VALUE:ExistingFile
In training mode, caseids must correspond to the Subject ID column in visual qc excel file.
The following is a sample command for quality checking of a batch of data:
./ \
-i ~/Documents/test_data.csv \
-c ~/Documents/test_data/caselist.txt \
--fixedImg ~/Documents/test_data/1001-t1w-xc.nrrd -r \
-e ~/Documents/test_data/visual_qc.xlsx \
-t t1 -f \
-o ~/Documents/tempMaskOutput
Batch processing lets you train on your own data. See advanced option before training on your own data. In training mode, caseids must correspond to the Subject ID column in visual qc excel file.
$ cli-modules/ --help
Checks the quality of all structural mri (T1/T2).
Predicts a score for the mri, and gives a pass/fail recommendation.
-h, --help Prints this help message and quits
--help-all Prints help messages of all sub-commands and quits
-v, --version Prints the program's version and quits
-c, --caselist VALUE:ExistingFile caseid of images to be quality checked; these caseids are present in visual qc
excel file; required
-e, --excel VALUE:ExistingFile if visual_qc is done already, specify a .xlsx file containing T1 and T2 visual
scores, otherwise keep it empty. This file is used for training or validating
accuracy of prediction
-f, --feature turn on this flag for obtaining histogram feature of registered image
--fixedImg VALUE:ExistingFile fixed image (i.e MNI atlas T1/T2 image); required
--fixedMask VALUE:ExistingFile mask of fixed image (i.e MNI atlas T1/T2 mask)
-i, --imglist VALUE:ExistingFile caseid of images to be quality checked; required
-n, --numThreads VALUE:str number of processes/threads to use (-1 for all available, may slow down your
system); the default is 4
-o, --out VALUE:str output directory (default: input image directory) where feature histograms,
registered images, and foreground masks are saved.; required
-r, --register turn on this flag to register images to the reference image
-t, --type VALUE:str t1/t2; required
--train turn on this flag for training. During training, it extracts features from all
the images in a directory. First, it registers the images to a reference image,
and then calculates intensity histogram of non zero patches in the registered
image. If necessary, edit the INPUT section in lib/config.ini file before
running this application
The following are sample commands for training the algorithm (specify the --train
Specify the -r
flag to register a test images to the template.
Features are obtained afterwards.
./ \
-i ~/Documents/test_data.csv \
-c ~/Documents/test_data/caselist.txt \
--fixedImg ~/Documents/test_data/1001-t1w-xc.nrrd -r \
-e ~/Documents/test_data/visual_qc.xlsx \
-t t1 \
-o ~/Downloads/tempMaskOutput --train
Each registered test image is represented by a histogram.
You may train the algorithm by varying some of the advanced option without registering again.
Specify the -f
flag for histogram calculation. This option is useful
when you want to train with a different set of parameters (see config.ini)
keeping the fixed image and registered image same.
./ \
-i ~/Documents/test_data.csv \
-c ~/Documents/test_data/caselist.txt \
-e ~/Documents/test_data/visual_qc.xlsx \
-t t1 -f \
-o ~/Downloads/tempMaskOutput --train
The following sample command comprises all the training steps above.
./ \
-i ~/Documents/test_data.csv \
-c ~/Documents/test_data/caselist.txt \
--fixedImg ~/Documents/test_data/1001-t1w-xc.nrrd -r \
-e ~/Documents/test_data/visual_qc.xlsx \
-t t1 -f \
-o ~/Documents/tempMaskOutput --train
After training is complete, config.ini
file should update automatically (if there are changes). If it
does not point to the right paths, just update config.ini
There are some other parameters in config.ini
as follows:
points = 20
nx = 8
ny = 8
nz = 8
eta = 0.9
sx = 2
sy = 2
sz = 2
metric = PEARSON
decisionfactor = 2
are the number of bins for histogram in each cell of the small cube
are the dimensions of the small cube that we slide along the 3D image volume
is the degree of overlap required for comparing each patch to the library images
is the stride taken to get the next small cube. If you set s*
to greater than 1 (usually 2 or 3),
the prediction will be faster
currently supports BC
, KL
respectively for Bhattacharya distance, mean squared error,
and KL divergence
is the factor that determines threshold for predicting an image as pass. For example,
if 1 is the worst and 4 is the best, then a decisionfactor
of 2 will set halfway (2) as the threshold:
score_range= np.ptp(discreteScores)+1 if min(discreteScores)>0 else np.ptp(discreteScores)
quality= 'pass' if predicted_score>score_range/decisionFactor else 'fail'
In training mode, visual quality scores are required to train the algorithm. As occurs for most training, someone
has to visually look at a batch of data and give it discreteScores
. In our training, we have used [1,2,3,4]
the discrete scores while 1
is for worst i.e. an MRI affected by severe ringing, ghosting, motion, and signal drop.
On the other hand, 4
is for a good quality MRI free from noticeable artifacts. The scores should be in an excel file
as follows:
Subject ID | t1 score | t2 score |
1001 | 1 | 4 |
1002 | 3 | 2 |
... | ||
... |
Make sure to properly write the header:
| Subject ID | t1 score | t2 score |
The caseids in the caselist should be same as the ones used under Subject ID column in the excel file.
Batch processing can be multi-threaded with number of cores/processes specified against
-n, --numThreads VALUE:str number of processes/threads to use (-1 for all available, may slow down your
system); the default is 4
Multi threading should enable a faster execution of batch processing.
This project primarily used DIAGNOSE CTE data. Please see Data section of structQC.pdf. It also tested its performace on mindcontrol HBN data.
If the training data are not balanced among good and bad images, predictions might be skewed towards to larger set. To circumvent this obstacle, we have used bootstrapping technique. Please search for bootstrapping in structQC.pdf to know more about it.
Please search for observation in structQC.pdf to realize the algorithm's performance. In brief, here are two confusion matrices that quantifies quality of prediction for DIAGNOSE CTE images:
- T1w
Bad | Good | |
Bad | 17 | 2 |
Good | 0 | 23 |
- T2w
Bad | Good | |
Bad | 13 | 2 |
Good | 0 | 23 |
Presence of very few off-diagonal elements in the confusion matrices tells us that it mostly correctly predicted the quality of given images. The number of misclassification for both modalities is only two.
Additionally, please read the Discussion section of structQC.pdf